Pick up Lines

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Ben: Hey Mal are you a book? Because I'm checking you out 😉

Mal: Aww, I love you. You're so cute.

Harry: That was the worst and cheesiest pick up line I have ever heard.

Mal: Oh bug off Harry, I don't need you to ruin the mood, and like you could think of something better.

Harry: Oh I can and I will

[Uma walks in the room]

Harry: Watch and learn

Harry: Hey Uma, are you a corn field? Because I'm stalking you.

Uma: You're what!?

Harry: Nothing it's just a pick up line

Uma: What the hell kinda pick up line was that? And honestly now I'm scared that you are stalking me.

Harry: Honestly Uma is there anything to be surprised about, I've been stalking you since we were kids. But not like in a creepy way or anything in like a cute kinda way.

Uma:... There's not a cute kinda way to that. Okay I'm gonna go now.

Harry: I'll be watching you.

Uma: Stay away from me Hook.

[Uma leaves]

Harry: See that's how you do it, that was a lot more romantic than your whole moment. Now you know what to say next time.

Ben: Umm, I think I'm gonna stick with my pick up lines. But thank you

Mal: Yeah I think you sufficiently scared Uma

Harry: she'll be alright, she's probably just lounging on her couch now. If she really did think it was creepy I'm sure she's over it now.

Mal: Because you would know right...

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