Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?

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💫Drops of Starlight💫

By StrawberryMoonRose

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?

Fairy Island on Ice was scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon. Usagi and Seiya took the train across town to the ice rink auditorium. Bundled securely in a baby wrap against Usagi's chest, Chibi-Usa's eyes darted around, absorbing the sea of unfamiliar faces on the transit.

"She loves going places, huh?" Seiya noticed.

"She does. It's almost her nap time, so let's keep our fingers crossed she sleeps during the performance. Or at least doesn't cry."

Usagi radiated the holiday spirit, donning a festive red sweater-dress complemented by Christmas ornament earrings. Her lips shimmered with her favored peach lip gloss, and she indulged in a spritz of vanilla bean body spray before they left.

While Seiya stood poised, her grip on the handrail steady as the train swayed, Usagi's gaze wandered to the picturesque landscape beyond the window. The mountain peaks were capped in pristine white, kissed by the winter sun. In a moment of quiet observation, Usagi stole a peak in the Starlight's direction.

Seiya's signature ebony hair cascaded into a low ponytail, catching the sunlight that filtered through the train windows. Her attire, a baggy corduroy jacket over high-waisted light-wash jeans paired with combat boots, emanated an androgynous charm. The sunglasses she wore concealed her celebrity identity as Seiya from the Three Lights.

A persistent thought swirled in Usagi's mind. Rei's words echoed, Would you give Seiya another chance? There's nothing stopping you now. Oh, Usagi will never get it.

The train came around a sharp bend and Usagi lost her footing. Her attempt to grasp the handrail failed, and she stumbled forward, teetering towards the window.

An arm shot out and caught her before she and Chibi-Usa got smooshed.

Usagi knew immediately it belonged to Seiya. There was a moment where Usagi hesitated, froze in her embrace. Then she looked up and saw Seiya's panicky expression six inches from her face.

"Be careful, Bun Head!"

Passengers began disembarking as the train halted. The crowded carriage forced Usagi closer to Seiya as new travelers entered the space. The holiday season had transformed the transportation into a bustling amalgamation of tourists, visitors, and locals en route to festive celebrations.

Time seemed to elongate as they stood there, and Usagi focused her attention on Chibi-Usa, whose mitten was being used as a teething object.

Being squashed against Seiya wasn't the worst thing in the world, but Usagi wished they would get moving already. Even through her winter coat, she could feel Seiya's body heat. It was making her heart beat in double time and she wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Kitten? Is that you?"

Usagi looked over her shoulder to see Haruka and Michiru boarding the train. Haruka's emerald-green eyes flitted from Usagi to Seiya, and her expression instantly shifted.

"Michiru! Haruka! What are you doing here?" Usagi asked, pretending she didn't notice Haruka eyeing the Starlight warily.

"We're doing some last-minute holiday shopping before our dinner reservations this evening," Michiru explained. She tilted her head to the side, allowing her curls to fall into place like dominoes. A curious smile curved her lips as she surveyed Seiya. "Is this who I think it is?"

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