Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation

After dinner, Ami called, asking for Seiya. She was all business as she inquired about Seiya's healing progress and delved into detailed aftercare instructions.

"So, can I finally remove these bandages?" Seiya asked.

"Yes, it's advisable to allow your injuries to breathe now," Ami responded, her fingers rhythmically tapping away at a keyboard. "And you said no pain while twisting? How about shortness of breath?"

"Neither, actually."

"Excellent. Definitely a speedy recovery."

"Well, to be expected from a sailor guardian," Seiya replied.

Ami cleared her throat and lowered her voice. She spoke softly and quickly, as if not wanting anyone to overhear. "Michiru dropped off that sample at my house, but I couldn't obtain a reading on it. Taiki and I are working on making a few upgrades to my mini-computer. I will call as soon as there's new information."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll let Bun Head know." Seiya leaned against the wall as she continued talking on the landline, observing Usagi washing dishes while Rei dried them. Chibi-Usa amused herself with pots and pans on the kitchen floor. It was past her bedtime, and she let everyone in the apartment know she was overtired with her incessant whining.

Switching her focus, Seiya asked, "How's Taiki doing? She still staying at your place?" She cupped her hand to the receiver in an attempt to drown out some of the noise.

"Yes, she visits frequently. I don't mind the company though. Taiki's doing well. Perhaps you should give her a call sometime."

"And should I be calling our old apartment or your house?" Seiya couldn't help herself. She could only imagine what was going on between her teammate and Dr. Mizuno.

Ami laughed uneasily. "Oh, well, you know... Anyway, take care, Seiya. I'm glad you're recovering smoothly.  Keep up with the pain medication as necessary. Send my regards to Usagi and Rei. Chibi-Usa and Luna too."

"Will do." Seiya hung up, smiling and shaking her head. Taiki, you're as guilty as me and Yaten. The thought reminded Seiya of the song she'd heard earlier at the doctor's and she decided to give the silver-haired woman a call.

Seiya glanced around the corner at the wall clock, noting the time reading seven PM. After some mental math, she calculated it would be ten in the morning in England. Flipping through Usagi's little pink phone book, she came upon Minako's contact entry and dialed the number.

"Hello?" A raspy voice answered in an annoyed tone.

"So is it true?" Seiya asked, grinning. "Are the Three Lights pursuing solo careers?"

"Good morning to you too, Seiya," Yaten grumbled sarcastically. Her voice was thick with sleep, and Seiya could hear the sound of a long sip - presumably coffee. It was a delicacy unique to Earth, as Kinmoku did not have coffee plants. From their days in the Three Lights, she knew Yaten was finicky about getting her brew just right, and they wouldn't hear the end of it when she or Taiki made it wrong.

"Is this a good time to talk?"

"I mean, I'm not really awake yet, but sure. Minako's on set, it's just me here."

"Alright, let me get Taiki on the line too." She put Yaten on hold and pressed a few buttons. Taiki answered on the second ring when she keyed in Ami's number.

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