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Hey minna I hope you enjoy this story, there is going to be a lot of comedy and romance so try to stay with me. I update frequently and I try to make long chapters and make them very fun so I'll stop talking and let you read hehe enjoy!!!!
Prolog: when every thing turns to shit

Lucy POV

Boy am I scared. We learned that me, Erza, Juvia and Levy are going to go threw this weird stage thing.

"It's called mating season and it going to start soon. Your behavior is going to get a little wild to the person you have a crush on." Mira explained.

"Wildly, CRUSH? Who do I have. Crush on?" I asked.

"Juvia likes Gray-sama." Juvia sang with hearts in her eyes."

"Yeah who do we have a crush on?" Asked Levy. Erza was twirling her fingers together while blushing and Mira giggled.

"I guess you'll find out once it starts."

"Wait so is this going to hurt, are we going to be really dangerous, are the boys in any danger, how long is this going to last, why didn't anyone else get this effect?"I asked.

"Well Lucy it will not hurt you,will just be acting differently and more aggressively, the boys shouldn't be in any danger that we know of because this is the first time this is happening, but if anything we have Laxus, his group and Gildarts are guarding them. This is suppose to last only a couple weeks I think and nobody else is getting effected because well I'm not sure we still need to get the rest of the answers from Mavis,does that answer all you questions?" I nodded, but still this seems a bit sketchy to me. I mean it can't really be that easy, can it? The master is picking out the four boys that we should have a crush on. He came out of his office with four boys Gajeel, Jellal, Gray and Natsu. So we are suppose to have a crush on one of them. Hopefully they don't know about the whole us liking one of them thing, but who do I like. Hmmm Gajeel, aww hell no, Jellal maybe, I hardly even know the guy, Gray, nope I don't feel a spark and plus Juvia would kill me. Natsu.........

"Lucy hey LUCY!!" I snapped back into reality to see Levy snapping her fingers in my face trying to get my attention. "Why is your face all red?" Wait is it really? But her face looks like a tomato to.

"No the question is why are you blushing are you thinking about someone?"I teased. Her face lit up red and I laughed. She pouted and made a cute puffy face.

"So....we like one of them?" Erza whispered to us without any of the boys hearing and Mira nodded and smiled. Secretly I think i saw her smirk.

"Of course Juvia loves GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia ran over to Gray and tackled him.

"So I'm guessing the effect hasn't started yet gramps told us everything." Natsu said. Us girls gulped.

"Everything?" We asked together.

"Yup everything." We blushed and Mira giggled.

"But gramps said that we need protection just in case. That's bullshit I can take all you girls on by my self." Erza went up to him and clashed her hand into his skull and we laughed.

"Anyway it's almost time so I need the boys to hand out at Lucy's house." Wait what?


"Because it's the safest now go you guys."

"Ok ok whatever, but don't think we doing this because we need help, there is no way that shrimp is going to hurt me." Gajeel said.

"And why in the world do you think I would be coming after you metal head?" Levy smirked when Gajeel blushed and walked away angrily. I think Jellal and Erza have been staring at each other for the whole time.

"U-u-uh bye Erza." Jellal said shyly.

"Bye Jellal." Erza smiled warmly.

"Bye Gray-sama!!" Said Juvia. Gray got off the ground and brushed his self off.

"See ya." Juvia got hearts in her eyes and I swear I saw a smile perk up from Gray's lips. KAWII!!!

"See you later Luce." Natsu said with his goofy gin. My face felt warm. A blue exceed flew over to me.

"You lllllllllllike him!!" He shouted while rolling his his tongue.

"SHUT UP YOU DUMB CAT!!" Happy laughed and Flew off. "Anyway bye Natsu." He put his thumbs up.

"Let's go Happy, off to eat Lucy's food!!"

"AYE SIR!!!" Wait wait what?!

"Don't trash my house please!!" I tried yelling at all the boys, but they were already out the door. God dammit!! "Uh the land lady is going to kill me!" I said depressed.

"Don't worry about it love rival Juvia will have Gray-sama soon." Was that suppose to cheer me up.

"Ok ladies get ready it could happen any minute." Mira said. Yeah I'm a little nervous, but I know that we will make it threw this as a guild. I mean it can't be that bad right? Then I felt a warm feeling in my chest.

"Ahh what the?" Then I lost all feeling in my body and fell to the floor. Before I passed out I heard three more thumps to the ground.

So mating season has just begone...

Fairy tail mating seasonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang