Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry everyone, for not updating for a while. I've just been really lazy and I apologize for that. Anyway this chapter is going to be in the POV of the boys because it's hard to write in the POV of a cats mind, but the next stage of mating season will be only girls, so enjoy.
Natsu POV

I'm really worried about Lucy. I knew she was going to be scared of going through the second stage if I told her what happened. I'm very curious though, what else is this mating season gonna throw at us. Everyone in the guild lined up around the nurses office and waited for something to happen. Gray was walking up and down like a worried idiot.

"OI ice pervert if your that worried about Juvia why don't you go check on her." I said, annoyed. He blushed.

"I-I'm not worried about her, and who are you calling an ice pervert you flame brain!!" I went up to him and crashed my head into his.

"You wanna fight!!"

"Yeah bring it on!!"

"I'm all fired up!!" We were about to punch each other in till Mavis came out of the office, holding four leashes. On those leashes were the girls and their appearance shocked everyone.


"They have indeed turned into cats." Mavis said. Gramps walked up to her.

"So how are me going to handle this one?" He asked.

"Well they seem harmless now, but I'm going to keep them on a leash just in case." She walked over to the counter and hooked all four leashes to it. "With these on them, they won't be able to escape so I can leave them here in till tomorrow. The guild can presume with it's normal activities for now." Gramps whispered something into her ear and they both walked to his office. I walked over to Lucy to get a good look at her. I'm sort of digging this cute cat look. She had two yellow ears that looked super soft and a fuzzy tail, her eyes were also sparkling.

"Yo shrimp can you hear me?" Gajeel asked Levy.

"She won't answer you metal head." I said.

"I know that!!" He yelled blushing. Gray went up to Juvia and smirked.

"You know maybe it's better that she's on a leash."

"Wow not only are you a pervert, but your very kinky too."I said, shocked. He blushed.

"N-n-no I didn't mean it that way, I-I just meant that it's nice that she isn't jumping on me every second!" Jellal laughed at Gray's blushing face.

"Anyway isn't this stage suppose to be worse than the first. If so I don't think only leashes will hold them back." Jellal said.

"Yeah, but Mavis is very smart, so I don't think she would have not thought about what's going to happen." Gajeel answered. "Well thinking about this is hurting my head, let's just enjoy our selfs in till they get back to normal." He grabbed Jellal and they went into a crowed of guild members. Gray went to go talk to Elfman and Cana.

"Hey Natsu!" I turned around to see Lisanna.

"Hey Lisanna, what's up?"

"Natsu can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I forgot a very important bracelet that Mira-nee gave me for my birthday at Lucy's house, can you get it for me."

"Well I have nothing to do, so I'll get it for you."

"Thanks Natsu your the best." I went outside of the guild only to feel a bit worried about leaving Lucy alone. I'm sure the guild will take good care of her in till I get back. I made it to Lucy's house quickly because it looks like it might rain. I used the spare key that Lucy gave me in case of emergencies to open her door. Once I walked in I felt the same hint of worry.

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