Chapter 3

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So minna this is the long chapter I promised, enjoy!

Gajeel's POV

Damn where the hell am I? This hallway is going on forever and it's super dark. It's not like I'm scared or anything. I heard a huge bang from behind me. I turned around.

"HELLO!!!! IS ANYBODY HERE!!" I kept shouting, but I got no answer. What the hell? Then who knocked on our door. I heard a creek from behind me as if someone was sneaking up on me. Ok now I'm getting a little worried. "HEY COME OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A REAL MAN!!!" Whoever was following me is teasing me and I hate it. It's pitch dark and I can hardly see if it weren't for the tiny red light that came from the fire extinguisher. I should go back to Lucy's room before I get lost, but I don't even think that Lucy's apartment hall was this long. I turned around and started walking back.

"Ga-je-el." I heard a whisper slowly. This gave me huge chills all over my body. The worse part is that it sounded like pip-squeaks voice. She is not suppose to scare me like she did and she's suppose to be at the guild not here. I must be tired so I kept going. I started speed walking. I mean it's not like I'm scared or anything. "GA-JE-EL!!" The voice started screaming. I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared, but I started running anyway. The door to Lucy's room was not that far away, but if felt like I was running forever.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?!" I shouted. A figure from the dark started coming towards me. As it came closer I could make out a person that made me turn white as a ghost. Blue hair and sort of short. Her lips were stretched out wide as she was she was smirking ear to ear. Now let me tell you this was outright impossible to me. (Almost as impossible as people saying Justin Bieber isn't gay) her eyes looked straight at me as if she were staring into my soul. I was frozen with fear, but I shouldn't be scared. It's only Levy.

"Finally were alone." She started walking even closer to me and as a instinct I walked backwards. I hit a dead end pretty quickly, but wasn't the hallway longer than that? Levy lit up a part of the hallway and I got a full view. She was wearing a something that showed a lot of her skin. As for me being a man and sort of attracted to Levy I felt something inside me being sparked to life. Wait what? Attracted to Levy? She grabbed my chin and made me look right in her eyes. And I remembered,

"How did you get passed Laxus and Gildarts." I asked shivering a little. I shouldn't be scared. She it just a pip-squeak, but if she was strong enough to take out both of them then I know I am screwed.

Jellal's POV

What the? Where did Gray and Natsu go? It's very dark without light and I am very scared alone.

"G-gray, N-Natsu!" I tried shouting, but my voice quivered. Why the hell am I so scared? Where did they go anyway? This damn house is not that big yet I lost three people. I kept walking forward and each one of my steps creaked which scared the crap out of me. Am I getting paranoid or is someone really following me. "Gajeel, n-Natsu, Gray, are you guys there?" I asked. I heard breathing through the silence all around me and I shivered really hard. Where the hell is the exit!?! I want to leave. Somebody is following me and they are getting closer. "W-w-who are you?"

"Why I am you lover cute little Jellal." The voice was sinister, but I knew who it belonged to. A red head Mage, but how did she escape fairy tail and how did she get pass two S class wizards. Well then again Erza is unstoppable when she is mad so it's understandable. I started running forward. There has got to be an exit right? Then I suddenly got sent flying into a a wall which I swear wasn't there before. In the dark I could see a figure. Out came Erza. She was dressed in, you know what let me correct that, she was hardly wearing anything. The only clothing she was wearing were to cover her boobs and bottom. Now let me tell you that this turned me on of course, but I tried to look away. I felt her hands pull me up to look into her eyes. "I'll protect you Jellal." She pressed her body into mine and I blushed. "Now your finally mine!" SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!

Gray's POV

Dammit, dammit, dammit where is everyone? This house is way bigger than I thought and why is it pitch black in here? Why the hell am I so worried, I can take care of my self. I started walking the direction I lost Natsu. It's so dark that I started bumping into many things.

"DAMMIT NATSU JELLAL GAJEEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!!" My voice echoed. I sighed. Guess I'm going back to Lucy's room. When I started walking backwards I felt a drip of water drop on my bear shoulder. It was really warm......wait it's a very familiar feeling. Oh shit! I started running as fast as I could trying to get away from where I was. I don't think I have ever felt such terror in one girl before and many questions floated in my head. How the hell did she get out of fairy tail? Did they beat Mira? What happened to Lacus and Gildarts? Am I really screwed? She can't be that strong right? Why am I so scared of her?

"GRAY-SAMA!!" I started running as fast as I could with my legs burning. This couldn't be any scarier. The ceiling started raining water. I put up a ice shield, but her power was on a way different level than normal and my shield broke in half. I was going to fall so I tried freezing the water, but that also failed, the power level was to high. My back slammed against a wall, which clearly was not there before. My hands were in cased with water, I was trapped to the wall and I couldn't use my power. Dammit I'm screwed. Juvia came through the darkness wearing only a kimono. "OH GRAY-SAMA!!" She jumped on me and shoved her boobs on me. I won't ever admit it, but I was certainly turned on. I wonder how the other boys are doing. It can't be as bad as this right?

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked. She smirked so wide that it reached her ears. Now I'm really scared.

Natsu POV

Whoa I'm alone now. Cool it's like a real freaking horror movie. I want it to be realistic so I stopped my flame. It was pitch dark and I am fired up.

"COME AT ME MONSTERS!!!" I yelled into the air. I walked all over the place and I don't remember the house being this big, but whatever. I kept walking around and I started getting bored. "Ahhhh something come and try to kill me already I want to fight!!" Fire started flaming out of my mouth as I started flailing my arms. Hmm maybe the boys are in trouble, but then again they could take care of them selves.

"You should be concerned for your self Natsu." What the?

"Lucy?" Was I suppose to be scared.

"You talk out loud you know and yes, yes you are." I couldn't see her anywhere so I lit my flame. I still couldn't see her.

"Hmm ok your not a monster, but I can fight you." I hands lit in my fire and I got ready to fight.

"Man you really are a dense idiot aren't you?" I was confused at first, but then something kicked me so hard that I flew into a wall. Whoa that was cool. I tried getting up, but her whip came through the darkness and wrapped around my wrist. Another wrapped around my other wrist. She pinned me against the wall and the weird thing is that my fire wasn't working. I couldn't burn the whips. Lucy came threw the dark wearing some really weird clothes.

"Your all mine now Natsu." What is she talking about? "Gajeel, Jellal and Gray are probably captured by now." My eyes widen.

"What did you do to them?"

"Me? Nothing, but the girls are gonna give them so much love." I am very confused. What did she mean by giving them so much love? "Knowing how dense you are I bet you don't even know what that means." I shook my head.

"What are you going to do to me?" She smirked.

"Well to put it short I'm going to fuck you, but I'm sure your still confused so why don't I just show you." I'm curious what is she going to do to me?

Lucy's POV

(A/n: so this is before the girls got the boys. The girls in this scene is going to take out Laxus and Gildarts)

I made the plan and the girls agreed. Gildarts and Laxus are two annoying obstacles in our way. We snuck over to my house and hid in the bushes. Gildarts was taking to Laxus about some slut the he met last night. We must have made noise because Laxus heard something in the bushes. Me and Juvia went after Gildarts. Erza and Levy went after Laxus. This is going to be fun.

"Over there!" Laxus yelled as he saw Erza. Before he could do anything she kicked him over to Levy and she smashed him into the floor. She picked him up and knocked him out. Then she up chains on his hands while tying him up. I ran up behind Gildarts and kicked him into a tree. Then Juvia used her magic to lock him to the tree. I then went over to him and knocked him out. That was easy. Now to go claim my prize.

Fairy tail mating seasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora