Chapter 10

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So finally, I made another chapter, but get ready you guys because this is my favorite stage of mating season. It actually has a lot of cursing so if you guys don't like that stuff, then don't read and at the end of this stage there will be lemon. You have been warned.

Lucy's POV

I woke up feeling something heavy weigh down. Once my vision cleared up I could see that Natsu was hugging me. I blushed.

"N-Natsu!" He got up and looked at me excitedly.

"Luce, your back to normal." Back to normal? What's that suppose to mean? Did mating season really change us that much? Natsu hugged me again, I just sat there and hugged him back.

"Uh Natsu-"

"Oh thank god you back to normal Luce. I love y-" he quickly shut his mouth. What was he going to say? I was about to ask him when Gajeel, Gray and Jellal came in and started talking to the girls. Why the hell can't I remember anything?

"Boys, come here now." Master came in with a very serious face. Natsu's face turned slightly angry.

"Where the hell where you and Mavis, when we needed help." He growled. The other boys had the exact same expression on their face. What happened? Why were they in trouble? Am I the only one who's confused here?

"We were doing research and we found out something very important, now I have to talk to you boys in private."

"You better explain gramps." Natsu said before walking over to him.

"Now you girls must be very confused and worried, rest assured everything is fine, but the next stage is going to start instantly so be ready." He said. I don't even think that I can take anymore of this. Once they left my head started pounding.

"Does anyone else's head hurt?" I heard Erza say. We all agreed.

"Damn we just got out of a stage, we can instantly go into another one. I'm not mentally ready for this." I said.

"Juvia agrees and Juvia is scared of hurting Gray-sama."

"Yeah, I have no memory and I don't know if I hurt Gajeel." Levy said.

"Why does this have to happen to us? I mean there has to be more information on why this is happening to us, but I can't think of something. My head is killing me." Erza said.

Just then, I felt my self black out, or at least I think I did. Everything around me is black. Then all of a sudden, my vision came back, but I couldn't move or talk.

"Hey hoe's, wake up!" I heard my self say. What the hell is happening. I swear I didn't want to say that.

"Who the hell said you can call us hoe's!" That was Levy's voice.

"Well it's the perfect nickname for you Levy because it fits your personality, bitch."

"Oh helllllllllllllllllll no you didn't bitch, you wanna fight slut."

"Yeah bring it on with yo fat ass!" I did not just say all of those things. I'm going to have to apologize when I figure out what's happening. Levy pretended to take off her non excitant earrings and got ready to fight me.

"You two, stop right now." Erza stepped between us and I thanked god. "It's not the time to be fight, we have to make sure our men only keep their eyes on us." W-what the hell? Our men? Whose that? I'm hoping that the other girls are in the same situation as me because I don't want to be the only one.

"Ok let's go hoe's!" Juvia shouted and we all headed towards the guild. I'm getting curious now. What are we going to do?
Sorry for the short chapter you guys. I have to save all the big funny part for the next chapter and all the important stuff is going to be in the next chapter so be excited for this one.

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