Chapter 2

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GOMEN minna. I had a lot of work from school that I had to do so I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is sort of short and I'm extra sorry about that so next chapter will be longer and will come soon.

Gray's POV

Dammit my eyes burn. Lucy's landlord is pretty scary.

"Stop making noise it's getting on my nerves." We nodded quickly and she finally left.

"Somebody get that flame brain he's making the floor get dirty." I said. Gajeel didn't want to so Jellal went over and put him on the bed.

"How do you guys think the guild is holding up?" Jellal asked.

"I bet their doing fine, they've got strong people so what could go wrong." Gajeel said.

"Yeah yeah now let's mess with Natsu!" I said excitedly, while pulling out some markers.

"LETS DO IT!!" Gajeel agreed. Jellal only agreed to go along with the group. "But uh Gray your naked." I looked down and he was right.

"Dammit!" I ran to the bathroom and changed, then I gave everyone markers. "Now use your imagination." We started drawing on Natsu's face. I drew a mustache, Gajeel drew a unibrow and Jellal drew a............penis on his head.

"Whoa dude I didn't think you had it in ya." Gajeel patted his back. I put my thumbs up.

"Nice one dude, his face is going to be priceless." Jellal smiled. Natsu is going to be pissed hahahaha. I grabbed a piece of meat and dangled it in front of Natsu's face. He shot up.

"IM HUNGRY!" He ate the meat, while taking my hand in his mouth too and bit me.

"IDIOT FLAME BRAIN THAT HURT!" He looked around confused.

"What happened?" I grabbed a mirror and gave it to him. His face was the best thing ever.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!" We laughed. He deserved it anyway. He ran to the bathroom and tried to wash it off.

"We should have Jellal join with many of our pranks." I said placing my arm around him Gajeel agreed. Then we heard another knock on the door.

"I'll get it this time, if it is that landlady again I'll be ready." Gajeel said. He went to the door and opened it slowly. Nobody was there. "What the.." He went outside the door and looked out. "I be right back, I'm going just in case someone got lost." We agreed even though I have a bad feeling about this. When the door shut I got a shiver down my spine.

"G-gray do you feel what I feel?" Jellal asked. I nodded my head. Natsu came from the bathroom.

"Hey where did metal head go?" He asked.

"U-uh well he want to go check something let's just wait for him." I said. We waited hours and he didn't come back. Me and Jellal we getting worried.

"Ha this is turning into some kind of horror movie." Natsu joked. "Well whatever it is we need to save him, he might be in trouble."

"F-fine, but we have to stay together." Jellal said. We slowly opened the door and walked out. The hallway was pitched back. We couldn't see anything and it was silent. Damn this is turning into a horror movie. The hallway looked longer than I thought it was. Natsu was in front with me behind and Jellal behind me. I have a really bad feeling about this. I heard Jellal shivering behind me.

"What are you two scared?" Natsu asked.

"Of course not!" I replied. He laughed. He used his flame to make a little bit of light. We started walking down the hall and I got a chill, not because I was naked again, but it is like someone is following us. I had a really bad feeling about something behind me. I stopped.

"J-Jellal?" I got no response. "J-Jellal stop playing dude where are you?" I still got no response. I looked ahead and Natsu was gone. Shit.

"NATSU JELLAL!!" I called. Where did they go? "GAJEEL, SOMEBODY!!" Crap, crap, crap, crap I'm alone and I'm screwed aren't I?

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