Chapter 28

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When the TARDIS touched back down in Miami, the group stepped outside to find it was nightime and they'd landed just outside Jerry's house.

"What gives?" Mcclane asked the Doctor as they stepped out "Shouldn't we be with that Ignatius guy?"

"I figure we could all use a good rest" the Doctor told him. He then looked at Scully

"Especially you. I'm really sorry you had to go through all that"

Scully shrugged "Don't worry about it. I go through worse things with the FBI on a daily basis"

After they'd let themselves inside and had a decent meal, the group washed up and got to bed. Scully found she'd slept surprisingly well despite what she'd been through.

The next morning they gathered around Jerry's breakfast table for a group breakfast

"So doc" Mcclane asked inbetween bites of toast "I've been thinking bout something" "What?" the Doctor asked

"When we find and get the last of these runes, what we actually gonna do with em?"

The Doctor put down his cup and frowned "That's a good question. We've not heard from our friend Mater in a while either"

"There's something off about her" Emma added "I can't say what, but I really have suspicions about her"

"So what do we do?" Jerry asked "You think we shouldn't get these runes?"

The Doctor shook his head "Of course not. At the moment, our best bet is to simply find the last of the runes and take it from there. If anything goes wrong, I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle"

"I just hope the dark ancient evil feels the same way" Mulder wiped his mouth with a napkin

The Doctor then looked up at the clock on Jerry's kitchen wall

"At any rate, Reilly should be opening up his shop in a few minutes. We'd better finish up here and head over there. Hopefully he'll have found something while we were away"

Sure enough the group soon caught a bus across town to downtown Miami. Although Mcclane had suggested they take the TARDIS, the Doctor had insisted that they get a bus.

"Its always a good idea to support public transport" he'd told them.

A little later, they arrived at Reilly's rare books which appeared to have just opened up. Stepping inside, the group were met by the sight of Reilly arranging some books on a shelf. When he saw them, his face lit up

"Fantastic! Just the people I've wanted to see!"

"You find another rune?" Mcclane asked

"Why of course!" Reilly beamed "It appears the rune you're looking for is found around the Tex-mex area circa 1892"

The Doctor nodded "Is there anything else?"

Reilly shook his head "Sadly I was unable to get anything more concrete. But seeing your past results, a lack of details should most certainly not be a burden"

"Certainly not!" the Doctor tossed the rune they'd found in Victorian London to Reilly "Take good care of that will you"

"Of course!" Reilly replied. As the group walked out of his shop he called out "Be careful!"

As they stepped into the TARDIS, Jerry spoke

"So the wild west is our destination this time"

"Of course" The Doctor grinned "I've spent time there before, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a fairly exciting part of American history. Rugged cowboys fighting Indians across the plains of the US, very exciting stuff

" "Providing of course, that we don't run into any murderous psychopaths intent on killing us" Emma replied

"Well they don't call it the wild west for nothing" the Doctor replied before setting the TARDIS in flight.

A few minutes later, the TARDIS made the familiar groaning sound it did when it landed.

"Right then" the Doctor told the group "Outside is the Texas town of Anarene in 1892! So let's see what the American old west has to offer!"

When they stepped outside however, what they saw was completely unexpected. As the group stared open mouthed, Mcclane could only mutter "Holy shit"

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