Chapter 29

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Staring at the town of Anarene, the group were completely silent by what was in front of them. Finally Emma spoke

"I know you said the west was wild, but I never expected this!"

The entire town of Anarene was completely devastated. Buildings had been smashed up with their windows broken or even burned to the ground altogether. A few corpses were scattered across the destroyed streets, many laying in pools of dried blood, but there appeared to be no sign of life anywhere.

As the group stepped out of the TARDIS, Mulder called out "Hello! Anybody there!?"

But the only sound the group were met with was the sounds of the wind and a bird on a roof cawing.

"What do you suppose happened?" Scully asked the Doctor. The Doctor shook his head

"I don't know"
"Could it be an Indian attack?" Jerry asked. Again the Doctor shook his head

"No. This is far more vicious. Whoever did this is far more brutal in their methods"

"I say we split up" Mcclane said to the Doctor "Maybe there's somebody around here that can tell us what happened"
The Doctor nodded "I guess we'd better. You and Emma come with me. Mulder and Scully can go with Jerry"

A few seconds later, the Doctor Mcclane and Emma were making their way through the northern section of the town. Looking around greeted them with more of the same scenes as before.

"Jesus" Mcclane shuddered "What the hell were they trying to achieve?"
The Doctor mused "It's possible they were just looting the town for all it's worth..."
Before the Doctor could continue musing, Emma called out

"Hey! Look at this!"

The Doctor and Mcclane rushed over to where she was standing. Immediately they were greeted by a strange symbol painted in red on a nearby building. The symbol resembled an eye inside a triangle. As the Doctor looked it over, he frowned

Mcclane nearly wretched "Jesus Christ! What kind of sick fucks are these people?"

The Doctor continued analysing the symbol "Maybe they're some sort of religious cult"
"You think they worship the horrors in the Necronomicon as well?" Emma asked. The Doctor shook his head

"No. Whatever this symbol is, it doesn't belong to any of the deities in that canon. We're looking at a more recent cult"
"Excuse me!" said a voice from behind them "Would you mind explaining yourselves?"

The trio turned around to see a man in typical cowboy clothing pointing a pair of revolvers directly at them.

"Yeah I'm talking to you!" he said with a slight sneer "You've got ten seconds to explain yourselves or I paint the wall with your brains!"

Elsewhere in the town, Mulder, Scully and Jerry were poking around the buildings and looking for survivors though they hadn't had much luck. As they walked into a saloon, they were greeted by yet another scene of complete carnage

"Jesus" Jerry shivered as he saw the destruction that had been wrought "I hope that the people who did this are satisfied"
The trio then heard a low moan come from inside the bar. Rushing over, they were greeted by a man who was very likely the bartender for the place slumped over the floor in a pool of blood. He then let out a second moan.

Wasting no time, the trio helped him up from the floor. As the bartender opened his eyes he suddenly panicked

"No! Get away!"
"Calm down!" Mulder told him "We're not gonna hurt you!"
"Who did this to your town?" Scully asked the Bartender who proceeded to cough blood

"Cult..." he managed to gurgle "Came here...killed everyone..."
He then let out a sound like a sigh and closed his eyes. Scully felt the man's neck for a pulse

In The Realms of the UnrealTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang