Chapter 11

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In the aftermath of the Paramount fire, both Kauffman and Sheldrake were tried for treason and were convicted for life imprisonment. Paramount studios however was able to claim the insurance money which ended a lot of their financial woes and under new management were able to prosper for years to come.

Marlowe on the other hand treated the group to a slap up dinner at a favourite restaurant of his. Late into the night the celebrations were still going and the group were still laughing and joking.

In the middle of the celebrations however, Jerry realised something

"Ya know. I'm happy we saved the world and all, but we never actually found the rune"

"Oh yeah, I remember!" Marlowe exclaimed "While we were going through the documents in Hagen's study, I found this!"

With that Marlowe produced a brown rock with a black symbol on it. He handed to the Doctor who looked it over closely

"Well this is certainly a discovery!"

"I thought you'd like it" Marlowe smiled "I was gonna give it to ya earlier, but then I became a pod person and kinda forgot"

"Well I'm just glad you remembered" Mulder laughed "Now it looks like our adventure is really picking up!"

After a night in a cheap motel, the group made their way back to the TARDIS. Marlowe was there to see them off

"So what's this thing anyway?" he asked as he looked the TARDIS over

"Oh just our ticket home" The Doctor replied

"By the way, thanks for everything" Emma added "You've been an invaluable help during our time here"

"Hey it's my pleasure" Marlower smiled "Now you get out there and save the world!" "Already on it!" Mcclane said as the the group disappeared into the TARDIS. A second later, it made a wheezing sound and disappeared into thin air. Marlowe could only stare dumbstruck for several seconds. Then he laughed merrily and went on his way

When the group landed, Jerry walked up to the door of the control room cautiously.

"So where are we now?"

"Miami, Florida just outside Mr Reilly's shop about an hour after we left!" Now Jerry was even more confused

"How the hell's that possible? We were in LA for at least 2 days!"

The Doctor tapped his nose "That's just one of the joys of owning a time machine"

With that, Jerry stepped out of the TARDIS and found himself back on the streets of Florida in February 2000. The rest of the group proceeded to follow him out. As they did, Jerry took a deep breath

"Ah" he sighed "It feels good to be back"

The group then stepped inside Reilly's shop and found him sitting behind the counter, still studying the Necronomicon. When he saw them, his face lit up

"Ah my friends! How was your trip?"

"Pretty interesting" Mcclane told him "We even found a little something"

Reilly raised an eyebrow "Really? Perchance would you be willing to show me?"

The Doctor then produced the stone and carefully handed it to Reilly. As Reilly looked it over, Emma asked "Do you know anything about it?"

"Only that the symbol is very very old" Reilly explained "It was originally used by a cult that worshiped an ancient group known as the Elder Things. Beyond that there's very little else I can tell you"

Reilly then handed it back to the Doctor who pocketed it. Mulder then asked "You found anything else in the Necronomicon"

"Oh yes" Reilly nodded "From what I've been able to decode, there might be another stone like the one you found, in Japan during the Edo period"

"Japan?" Scully blinked

"Oh yes" Reilly grinned "Unfortunately all I found was reference to a temple upon a mountain. I don't know if that'll help you or..."

"Well it's the only clue we've got" The Doctor turned around and began walking out of the shop. As he did so, he called back to the group "I hope you're all ready. Because we're about to head back to the time of the Samurai!"

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