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it has been a couple of days since I last saw caiden he has been really busy work it still surprises me how young he is and he very successful but I understand my father was eighteen when he took over and it will be the same for august and I im taking over the company and he taking over the mafia

when august takes over and have the whole ceremony thing when we turn eighteen it will also be my ceremony im gonna be august second in command kinda basically if something happens to august or my cousin hayes I would have to take place for august and hayes which is why I have to go to every meeting regarding the mafia

anyways our birthday is next week which is why it so chaotic in our home and that is the same reason im not home I cannot handle my mom asking which color theme I want

im on my way to rowan house because esme and Odessa wanted me to come over and I happily agreed because I was gonna pull my hair out if I have to hear more about my birthday


as I pulled into rowan driveway I noticed there were more cars here but I didn't pay any mind I got out of the car and grabbed the brownies I bought with me and knocked on the door

a minute later the door swung open and two boys stood in front of me there were pretty handsome and they had some good hair

"hello beautiful can we help you," a blonde one said "uh yea sorry um is esme here," I asked and they both smirked at each other

"you must be one of her beautiful friends come in," the one with black hair said I walked in and realize the height difference between us they were tall as fuck but caiden was taller

I really need to stop comparing him to every guy I met

"you know I wouldn't think your friend with esme you look like a mean girl you the ones that sleep around," the blonde one said and I rolled my eyes is that supposed to be a compliment

"and you look like someone who can't keep their dick hard so if you excuse me im gonna find my friend," I said and then saw esme come down the steps

"ah your here about time I hope those two idiots aren't bothering you," she asked me while giving me a hug

"no who are they anyway," I asked her "their caiden and rowan friends," she said, and just hearing caiden name made me nervous

"um caiden here," I asked her "of course she always here," she said and I nodded

"come on esme were not just their friends were yours too," the blonde one said while wrapping his arm around us both

"you are an annoying idoit who like to get into everyone pants," she said and I laughed he walked us into the living with his arms still around us

"I might get into every girl's pants because im hot," he said and esme and I looked at each other and bust out laughing

we walk into the living and everyone was there there was a girl here too "core-core," rowan said as he saw me and walked over and push the blonde boy and pulled me into a hug

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