Chapter 3

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This whole 'dressing casual' thing just was not working out for me. Not only had Ava not commented on my appearance (which greatly offended me), but two of my friends had the audacity to ask me if I was okay, because apparently I looked 'sick'.

"Oh my god, babe, are you okay?" Eleanor had asked dramatically. "You look pale. Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"Were you feeling sick this morning?" Gabby chimed in just as dramatically as Eleanor. "You aren't even wearing your favourite mink lashes!"

So, needless to say, I ignored them for the rest of the day, reapplied my fake tan that night, and wore my usual makeup and designer clothing for the rest of the week. If my friends were daring enough to say those things to my face, I could only imagine the horrible things people were saying about my appearance behind my back. I was willing to go to certain lengths to make Ava realise that I was attractive, but sacrificing my reputation was something I was absolutely not prepared to do.

As the week continued, talk of my party had sprung about amongst the year group. People were always excited for my back to school parties, or any party I hosted for that matter. My estate was the perfect venue to host a big party, so every other party held by anyone else in my grade simply paled in comparison. I didn't understand why people still tried, to be perfectly honest.

After another week of Ava rudely ignoring my presence, I was more than curious to see if she would attend my party. I planned on looking the best I had ever looked, so if she didn't find me attractive at the party then there was clearly something very wrong with her.

Everyone in the grade had messaged either me or one of the girls to let us know that they would be attending the party, except Ava. I wanted to ask her during biology whether or not I should add her name to the attendee list, but I wasn't prepared to look like a fool, so I simply dropped subtle hints where possible.

"If you could move faster than a snails pace, that would be grand," I snapped as I walked behind her into the biology classroom. "I just want this lesson to be over. I have a party to plan."

"Settle petal," she scoffed, picking up her pace but still ignoring what I had said about the party.

As we sat in our seats watching Mr Smith draw diagrams on the board, I simply couldn't contain it any longer. I slammed my fist down on the table and turned in my seat to face her.

"You know, when someone invites you to their party, the polite thing to do is to tell them that you are coming!"

Ava stared at me for a few seconds before her face cracked into a grin, revealing her perfectly straight teeth.

"If I remember correctly, you told me you, and I quote, couldn't care less whether I came or not," she replied, leaning her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand. Her relaxed demeanour was practically mocking me, and it riled me up even further.

"I don't care if you come or not!" I retorted, crossing my arms in front of my chest defensively.

"Then if I'm not going to come, why do I need to tell you? Especially if you don't care," she replied, and my stomach dropped. She wasn't going to come? Had I really put all this effort into making sure she would find my attractive just for her not to come?

"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "What do you mean you're not going to come?"

"I mean I'm not coming. I'm clearly not welcome," she rolled her eyes.

"My parties aren't something you want to miss out on. I'm adding your name to the list."

"Suit yourself," she shrugged, then turning to face the whiteboard and take down notes.

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