Chapter 10

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It had been just over two weeks since Chad Peterson's party, and two weeks exactly since Ava had found me crying in the bathroom for the second time. Since then, I had gone out of my way to avoid Ava out of pure embarrassment, and yet my sexual attraction and curiosity only seemed to grow with each passing day. I wish I'd been able to kiss her — if she hadn't pushed me away I wouldn't be in this god awful mess.

However, even though I was adamant to avoid her, I couldn't help but enjoy the occasional glimpse of the Aussie girl. She would always make sure to say 'hello' to me as we passed each other in the hallways, and the simple interaction was enough to solidify the fact that this sexual attraction was not going anywhere anytime soon.

The only time I was forced to be near the Australian girl was during biology, and I had a love-hate relationship with the class. On one hand, I wanted to avoid her as much as possible out of sheer embarrassment and a poor attempt at quashing the sexual attraction, but on the other hand, being near the girl made me feel things I'd never felt before. We didn't talk much, but when we did I always got that swooping sensation that made my stomach feel as if it was housing a flock of birds trying desperately to break free.

But then that flock of birds would be replaced by a heavy brick in the pit of my stomach and an ache in my chest as I'd watch Ava greet McKenzie after class. It had become routine that the auburn-haired girl would wait outside the biology lab for Ava to finish class, so I was privy to their small moments of PDA almost every day. Lucky me.

While it may have gone unnoticed by Ava, I certainly didn't miss the glares that McKenzie gave me as I exited the biology lab, or how she gripped Ava's hand a little tighter as they passed me in the hallways. I can't say that I blame her, however — having the most popular girl in the school attempt to kiss the girl you're seeing can be intimidating, but what did she have to worry about? Ava rejected me (which I still can't believe) — she should be gloating, if anything.

It was a Thursday afternoon during biology class when I noticed Ava's demeanour to be more uptight than usual. She didn't smile or greet me as she sat down at our desk like she had done for the last two weeks, and her posture was much more rigid than her usual relaxed position.

Mr Smith had let the class work in pairs to discuss the Punnett squares he had drawn on the board, but Ava didn't move an inch. The entire classroom was busy with chatter as students worked together to decipher the question, and yet she remained silent — an uncommon occurrence for the talkative girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked timidly.

She sighed heavily, turning in her chair to face me.

"I've been meaning to ask you something that sort of just occurred to me today. Why did you kiss me? I thought it was just because you were drunk, but then you got upset about it. I guess I'm just wondering why..." she trailed off, her light blue eyes searching mine for answers.

I should have known I'd be asked this question eventually, whether it be by Ava or by someone else (although I was more-so expecting the latter). I should have been prepared to answer eloquently, an answer sliding straight off my tongue with ease, but instead I stuttered pathetically, my eyes nervously flickering to my hands clasped in my lap.

"I — um..." I stammered awkwardly.

"Just because I'm a lesbian that doesn't mean you can just use me as an experiment. My sexuality isn't a game, you know?" she responded angrily, her fists clenching slightly on her desk.

"I know that, that wasn't — " I responded.

"So, why the sudden interest, then?" she interrupted.

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