Chapter 6

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I was walking through the empty school hallway, my crisp white Versace sneakers squeaking loudly on the polished linoleum floor, the echo bouncing off the lockers lining the walls. The fluorescent ceiling lights shone brightly and gave a soft buzz that could be heard in the otherwise silent space. I had never seen the school this empty or this quiet before. Where was everybody?

Suddenly, as if on cue, the unmistakable sound of those damned Doc Marten boots could be heard scuffing across the slick floor. I turned around to see the Australian girl I so thoroughly despised, Ava Freeman, walking determinately towards me, a hard and blazing expression on her face. She had an ethereal glow about her, as if surrounded by a soft white aura. Her icy blue eyes pierced mine and I faltered slightly, but forced myself to hold her unwavering gaze. As she got closer, she spoke suddenly, her broad Australian accent echoing loudly in the hallway, as if being amplified by a speaker.

"Follow me."

She turned the corner towards the girls restroom and I quickly followed suit, trailing behind her as if being pulled by a magnetic force. She pushed the heavy door open with ease and stepped inside, holding the door open as I passed through behind her. The door swung closed slowly and as soon as it shut, Ava grabbed both of my shoulders and pushed me roughly against it. Her mouth quickly pressed to my own, and she wasted no time pushing her tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer, hearing her groan into my mouth as she took my bottom lip between her teeth. If I could use any word to describe what I was feeling in this moment, it would be bliss. Pure unadulterated bliss.

A loud and obnoxious beeping noise interrupted our passionate kiss and she pulled back from me, reaching into my purse and pulling out an alarm clock that usually sat on my bedside table.

"You should probably turn this off," she said, handing the clock to me.

I sat up with a jolt, turning towards the blaring alarm clock on my bedside table and hitting it roughly, ceasing the annoying beeping sound that had woken me up from my dream. I sat in bed and let the dream I had just had wash over me, piecing it together slowly before jumping up out of bed in shock.

"What the fuck?" I whispered, feeling disgusted in myself that I had had such a dream.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not homophobic. I couldn't care less who people love, but I am not a lesbian, and that dream came so far out of left field that it had left me completely stunned. The...'gayness', if you will, of the dream is not what disgusted me. It was the fact that I had been kissing Ava fucking Freeman. And the worst part was that I know I had enjoyed least, 'dream Marley' had enjoyed it. What on earth could have possibly caused me to have such a ridiculous dream?

I wracked my brain all morning as I readied myself for school, trying to figure out what could've put those subconscious thoughts in my mind, and by the time I had arrived at school I had finally figured it out. Ava was constantly shoving her sexuality down everyone's throats, wearing obnoxiously 'gay' outfits, and letting McKenzie Cole hang off her like a baby sloth. Her overtly lesbian nature must've rubbed off on me over the past three weeks while I had been focused on proving my point that I am her type. Yes, that's what it was.

I was relieved to have finally figured out what the cause was, and with that weight lifted off my shoulders I happily hopped out of my car and began to walk into the school building, ready for another day of showing the Australian girl that I am everyone's type, and that I am a nice person.

As if thoughts alone could summon her, the Australian girl's voice could be heard as I rounded the corner into the cafeteria. As I entered the building, I saw none other than Ava Freeman and McKenzie Cole standing against one of the brick walls. McKenzie leant with her back against the wall while Ava was standing in front of her, her tanned arm pressed against the brick above McKenzie's shoulder. I watched as they giggled pathetically before Ava leant down and pressed a chaste kiss to McKenzie's cheek.

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