Chapter 9

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Chad Peterson's house was no mansion by any means, but it was still a decent size. The girls and I had arrived fashionably late at around 9pm after having pre-drinks at Eleanor's house. I had enough liquid confidence in my system to execute my plan — all I needed now was to find Ava.

I spotted her not long after arriving, sitting on a couch in the living room with a beer in hand, chatting to some of her jock friends on the mixed soccer team. She was wearing a crisp white t-shirt, black jeans, and white Lacoste shoes, and her sandy blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun atop her head.

I spotted Jodi's boyfriend, Jason, amongst the group and decided to use this as an excuse to make my way over to them. I couldn't be seen as too keen otherwise it would not only ruin my plan, but my reputation. There was a lot on the line tonight.

"Sorry to interrupt," I smiled sweetly. I wasn't sorry at all. "Jodi is looking for you, Jason."

"Happy wife, happy life. Thanks, Marley. Talk to you soon, guys," Jason said, getting up off the couch and heading into the crowd to look for Jodi, who certainly was not looking for him.

I finally allowed myself to meet Ava's gaze for the first time that night, and I could've sworn I saw her eyes flicker down my body. I can't say I blame her though — I looked phenomenal.

"G'day, Whitman," she smiled, patting the empty couch cushion next to her. "You look great."

There goes that swooping sensation. Although, I put this down to the fact that my plan for Ava to see that I'm her type is working, of course.

"I was just about to say the same thing to you," I smirked, taking a seat next to her on the couch. "No McKenzie tonight?"

"Nah, she had a family thing on. Grandma's birthday dinner or something."

"Shame," I hummed, crossing my left leg over my right and leaning closer to her ever so slightly.

"Mmhm," she nodded, taking a swig from her beer bottle. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" I replied, leaning closer still.

"How are you, really?" she rebutted, and I knew she was referring to our encounter in the bathroom on Thursday. My first instinct was to tell her to mind her own business, and that I didn't want to talk about it, but I realised I could use her concern to my advantage. I was trying to get close to her tonight, after all. was nice of her to care.

"I really am fine, thank you," I said, placing my hand gently on her denim clad knee and giving it a soft squeeze.

"Good, good." She took another sip of beer, seemingly unaffected by my touch. "I'm gonna go find Chad and wish him a happy birthday. I'll see you 'round like a rissole, Whitman."

Round like a — what? Are all Australians like this?

She placed her hand on top of mine and gave it a quick squeeze before standing up, letting my hand fall unceremoniously into my lap, and heading towards the kitchen where Chad Peterson could be spotted downing several shots of what looked like tequila while people cheered him on. Ugh.

As much as I wanted to tell myself otherwise, it was obvious that Ava had not responded to my flirting at all and her interactions with me were purely friendly. I had to up the stakes.

I found the girls huddled together in a corner, and just by the looks on their faces I could tell they were judging every single person in sight.

"Who wants more drinks?" Bianca suggested, and was met with eager nods. "God knows we'll need them if we're going to be surrounded by this all night."

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