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Jerome's POV
So. Many. Tears.

Immediately after the choosing was over, all of us - even Netty and Quentin - went to the back where our families were waiting. My parents were absolutely hysterical, screaming at anyone who went near them that wasn't me. "J-Jerome, I can't l-lose my son," my mother weeped, and I hugged her and my father tightly. "I have to, Mom. I'm so sorry."

My father simply nodded in my direction. "Y-you can do this, son. I have f-faith in you," he said sadly, and I smiled genuinely. "Thanks Dad. I really hope I make you proud out there." "I'm already the proudest father in the world; you don't have to do much," he laughed, and I rolled my eyes playfully.

Suddenly, one of Notch's guards came in and told us that my parents had to leave, and the others and I had to go through the portal to the Afterworld. I hugged my parents, as well as my other family members who were too hysterical to speak, told them goodbye, and they all were led away by the same guard.

I followed a second guard down the hallway to another room, where even more tears were being shed. It was everyone who had said goodbye to their families, except for the one or two people that weren't there. I sat down next to Mitch, who's face was stained with tears, and I grabbed his hand. "It'll be okay," I assured, rubbing my thumb along the top of his hand.

"Will it?" he whispered, and I nodded, kissing his hand gently. I looked up at everyone else and saw several crying people, heartbroken people, and the occasional people who just had blank expressions. I felt someone sit next to me, and I turned to see Squid in the spot next to me. He was one of the few who had a blank expression.

"You holding up alright?" he asked, and I nodded, glancing around at everyone else. "Best anyone can in this situation. Are you?" "Like you said, the best I can. But I'm trying to stay strong, so I can at least survive the first night." We both laughed, and I sighed quietly. "Are your friends alright? You've been here longer than me, even if it isn't by much."

"Stamps and Lee hate each other at this point," he informed bitterly. "Might as well kill each other now. Sqaishey and Netty aren't doing all that grand either. Too consumed by tears and grief, you see. Tom's mainly angry, and he and Ty have grown strangely close." He motioned to the duo in the corner, both of them discussing something with hushed, angry tones.

"What about my friends? How are they? I already know about Ty and Mitch," I said, motioning to a now sleeping Mitch on my shoulder. "Well, Quentin is hysterical because he has to watch his friends kill people. Jason doesn't want to kill anybody and is somehow not crying, and Adam... Well, he's simply in really bad shape."

He motioned to the corner, and I saw Adam sobbing his eyes out, leaning against the wall for support. "What's wrong with him?" I asked with concern. "He found out that his fiancée, Alesa, is pregnant. He's heartbroken that he might not remember the baby or Alesa, and he may never be married."

"That's awful, all of it. Where's Ian and Amy?" I looked around the room, but my bearded buddy and the mermaid weren't anywhere to be seen. "They haven't returned yet. They will soon, though," Squid answered. Then he motioned to Mitch and I. "You two a thing?"

I nodded, and he smiled happily. "Congrats, man. I'm happy for you." "Thanks. It's tough, because we may not remember each other together, but we'll figure something out." He nodded, and his smile turned into a saddened frown. "I have a girlfriend, Nicole. She's very sweet, quiet, an artistic prodigy... just an all-around great girl. She was too hysterical to come, but I told her that I loved her before I left."

"That's the best thing to do, especially now," I said. "Definitely. But I hope to live so I can get engaged to her. I love her so much it's unbelievable," he said with a small smile. "I would totally want to come," I replied jokingly, and we both chuckled quietly. Suddenly, the door swung open, and everyone turned to see Amy at the door, tears streaming down her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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