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*the next morning*
Ian's POV
The shower was freezing cold as I washed away everything that had made its way onto me within the past day. I still couldn't believe Notch was willing to discuss the fans killing each other with us, despite our recent failed attempt at making them stop. Did he seriously think that us, a bunch of immature people, could end something as serious as this?

He was out of his mind if that was what if was thinking.

I rinsed out the shampoo and didn't even bother to condition my hair afterwards. I wasn't dressing up for Notch, even though he created the universe. To me, he was just wasting his time speaking to us. Once I finished my shower, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel from underneath the sink. I dried off my body and wrapped it around my waist. Then I shaved overgrown parts of my beard and continued to dry off the rest of my body.

Soon enough, I was mostly dry, and I put my regular clothes back on. Then I exited the bathroom and sat in the living room next to Ty, who was listening to music through his headphones. Quentin, Jason, and Jerome were also completely ready to leave. Adam was taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom, and Mitch was brushing his teeth in the other downstairs bathroom.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked next to me to see Ty staring at me, a surprised look on his face. "I thought you'd wear your shades today. It's been too long since you've worn them." I smiled lightly, pulling them off of my shirt and slipping them on. "That seems a bit better," Jerome commented from his seat, and I grinned. "I agree, man. It feels good." "It should," Quentin smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

Mitch then walked in and sat on top of Jerome, who said nothing about it. "When's Adam gonna finish showering? It's nearly 9, we should get going," he said whiningly, leaning back on Jerome's body. "He'll be out in around two minutes," Jerome replied, his voice muffled by Mitch's body. "Good, because I'm hungry." "But you're always hungry," I defended, and he glared at me. "I know that. But I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"We haven't either, and we're not complaining," Quentin commented. "Yeah. If I was to complain, I'd say I was starving to the point that I could eat one of you guys. But since I'm not complaining, I won't say that," Ty said, and the rest of us laughed. Then Adam walked into the living room from the stairs. "Alright, let's head on out. It'll take a little bit to walk there, so if we leave now we'll make it in time," he said to us, and we all stood up and followed him outside.

We then began to walk to Notch's offices, catching the stares of several people living in the village, mainly consisting of children and teenagers. Some of them stared at us with prideful looks, while others glared at us and pulled their siblings inside their homes. A silence had fallen over the village, signaling surprise and disgust for a few. But I continued to stare ahead, as did the rest of us, until a single word was uttered from a female Crafter from the village.

"Murderers, you are."

We all stopped in our tracks, shock filling our expressions, and we all turned around to see a single female Crafter in the middle of the dirt path, a bold and disgusted look on her face. None of us said a word, knowing that she was an MAC fan by the way her skin looked. A cake on her orange shirt, white shorts, and Stampy-style (or whatever they're called) iron boots on her feet. Her brown hair had orange tips, making her a definite Stampy fan.

"It's not us," Adam defended, fighting his way around us to face the girl. "Then who is it? Your 'loyal' fans?" she snapped. Adam opened his mouth to reply, but he had nothing to say. He knew it was true, and we all did. "What? I didn't hear you; go ahead and say your fans are killers." "It's not just our fans," I brought up, getting annoyed at the confrontation of the girl.

The Crafters' BattleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin