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*a/n: i know that Team Crafted isn't together anymore, but for the purpose of this story, they are :)*
Adam's POV
Another fan was killed today.

The only reason they died was because a Magic Animal Club fan caught them watching a video of ours. Then he stabbed her straight through the chest, killing her almost instantly. They found her computer next to her, one of Ian's mod reviews on the screen. He felt horrible when he found out, claiming it was his fault. But he still didn't fully understand.

No one fully understood.

I was angry, to say the least. If people like two different groups of Crafters, what was the big deal? I thought often, my frustration showing in my eyes when my shades were off. Ian wasn't laughing as much when a fan was killed, which was often, and he rarely wore his shades anymore, his dark blue eyes showing sadness.

Mitch was mainly angry, like me, always yelling if someone mentioned a fan dying on either side. He took his frustrations out on trees, his sword's blade getting sharper every day. Jerome was always sad about the loss of fans, whoever they liked, and simply did target practice with Ty and Jason as an attempt not to burst into tears every five seconds. No one could tell how Ty and Jason felt about the situation, as their emotions were always gone whenever people spoke of them.

Quentin tried to ignore all the negative things about the whole ordeal, and he attempted to stay positive throughout it all. He always made jokes and attempted at making some people smile, sometimes succeeding. But anyone who saw any of us, could easily tell one thing.

We were all scared. Terrified.

All of us wanted the killing to end. All of us wanted our fans to get along. All of us wanted everything to be back to the way it was before the killings began. But we knew it wouldn't be that easy, that it would go back to the way it was that easily. We haven't spoken to the Magic Animal Club since the first killings, but we knew they were scared as well. Suddenly, as we were eating lunch, I got a call, the ring startling all of them.

But I pulled the phone out of my pocket and pulled it to my ear. "Hello?" "Is this Adam, from Team Crafted?" A man's voice filled my ear, and I nodded in spite of the man unable to see him. "Speaking," I replied, leaning back in my chair. The others all stared at me in silence as the man on the phone continued. "I know you heard about Elizabeth, right? And her death from one of their fans?"

My eyes widened in surprise, and Ian immediately mouthed, "Who is it?" I simply shrugged as I spoke into the phone. "Yeah, I know. How do you know? I don't recognize your voice from their group." "Because I'm not in their group. You could say I'm... associated, with the six main members." I cocked an eyebrow, and Jerome simply shook his head at my expression. "Who is it?" he whispered, and I shrugged.

"Associated? So you somewhat are in relation with the group?" I asked, and the man laughed. "I guess so. Then again, I'm pretty much associated with you, and everyone else in this town." I laughed at the man's words. "You make it sound like you're Notch or something!" Then I continued to laugh, but the man didn't respond. "Wait, are you?" I stopped myself after no response, and the others all stared in surprise and slight amusement.

"That's right. Surprised?" Notch sounded heavily amused at my reaction, and I nodded. "Yes sir, very surprised indeed. W-what brings you to call me?" The others all gasped when they realized who I was speaking to, and the amused expressions were replaced with ones of interest. "Well, I was hoping we could... end this little fight spree, on my consent. You, and all of your group, meet me at my offices, tomorrow at 10AM sharp. Dress appropriately, so we can discuss over breakfast. See you then."

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