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"Y/N? Are you in here?" You heard Dark say, but you didn't answer, continuing to work.
"Y/N.." You heard from behind you, hands soon resting on your shoulders.
"Yes?" You asked, typing in your work.
"You have been working for 2 days. You need sleep. Last night I let you stay up, now it's time for you to sleep." He stated, shutting off your computer.
You sighed, leaning back in your chair and closing your eyes, letting your head fall forward. You felt Dark spin the chair around so he could face you, you opening your eyes too look at him. He crouched down, staring you in the eyes. "I still have work to do." You mumbled, looking away at the wall.
"I know you do, but sleep is more important than that Darling." He responded, looking at you with concern.
"I'll give you 25 more minutes. After that, I will come get you." He sighed.
You nodded immediately and turned back on the computer and getting back to work, him leaving the room and closing the door. You have been working on a big assignment for work that was due at the end of the week. It needed at least 35 pages and will decide whether you are worthy of a BIG promotion. You decided to stop 5 minutes early and lay your head down on your arms atop your desk. Your eyes drooped, causing you to close them, allowing the silence of the office to consume you. A small chill entered the room, the window open slightly because earlier in the day it was hot. Crickets chirped quietly outside, and a birdsong was sung very softly in the midst of night, the birds presumably farther than the crickets were from the window. You started to fall asleep, your body slowly relaxing and letting your mind drift off. You heard the door to the office open, quiet footsteps making their way in your direction over to the desk. You heard Dark shut off your computer in your half-asleep state. "Y/N?" He whispered softly.
You didn't answer, your eyes opening only halfway to meet his gaze and then closing a moment later, your eyelids heavy. The last 2 days has taken a toll on your sleep and now you were paying for it. You felt Dark pick you up bridal style out of your chair, you mumbling "I can walk."
"You might think so, but your fatigue says otherwise." Dark responded.
You let your head fall against his chest as he carried you out of the room and into your shared bedroom. He laid you on the bed, tucking you beneath the covers as he walked over to his dresser and removed his dress shirt, his hair all over the place in the dark from what you could see. You just guessed it was from earlier. He walked over to his side of the bed and climbed in, settling in next to you as you scooted closer, laying your head on his chest as his arm wrapped around you. You let one of your arms drape across his stomach, you hugging him in a way. You closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep. But you couldn't, your mind still jumbled with work thoughts. After moment, Dark started to hum a melody, that pulled your mind towards sleep. After a minute your mind shut off into sleep, it engulfing you. But before you wondered off to it, you heard Dark whisper something.

"I hope you know how much you mean to me, my sweet little bird. My darling. My wondrous love. .

My Starlight."

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