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You laughed, dodging a snowball. "Come on, I know you can do better than that." You said, throwing a snowball right back at Dark.

He dodged it with little effort, smirking at you. "I could say the same to you." He said, throwing another snowball in your direction at a fast speed.

It hits you in the face and you act out a death scene, falling backwards and hitting the snow. "Ow" you laughed.

You wiped the snow off your face, hearing the snow crunching beneath Darks shoes before you saw his face looming over yours, looking down at you with curiosity. He lended you a hand after a moment, of which you took. He hoisted you up from the snow, but then proceeded to throw you onto his shoulder. "Dark!" You shrieked, holding onto him for dear life.
"Put me down!!" You exclaimed, hitting his back.
"Not a chance." He responded.
Dark started walking towards the play set on the playground, you struggling on his shoulder. He teleported you both onto the very top of it, sitting atop the structure's triangle-like roof. You shrieked, clinging to Dark and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, afraid you were going to fall. He grabbed your waist and placed you onto his lap. You wrapped your legs around his waist and hugged him, as to not fall. He chuckled, placing his chin on top of your head. "You aren't going to fall darling. I won't let you." He stated, in an attempt to calm you down, which worked after a moment.
"..Are you sure?" You asked.
"Yes, I am." Dark responded.
The snow fell softly around the both of you, cars could be heard occasionally beeping from afar. Crickets surprisingly chirped in the woods near the playground, which was a bit odd, considering it was winter. You didn't think they would've been out during the winter, especially when snow was drifting down from the sky. Spacing out, you let your mind wander to various thoughts such as the stars. Where did they come from and how are there so many that are in the sky? And how could they be so beautiful, yet so far away? Dark's hands rubbing up and down your back brought you back to reality from your thoughts. "What are you thinking about, Darling..?" Dark whispered in your ear.

".. I'm just thinking about how lucky I truly am to be here, in this moment, with you." You responded, hugging him tighter.

"You know, the chances of us meeting were extremely slim. In a world of 7 billion people, I'm glad to be able to spend these moments with you. Because I know that if I were to spend them with anyone else, I do not think they would be as special." You explained.

You felt your back hit the snow, you both now in the middle of the park. Your legs remained around his waist, your arms circled around the back of his neck while both of his hands rested beside each side of your head.. Dark loomed over you, curiosity filtering through his eyes. ". . Do you mean that..?" He questioned, looking into your eyes as you looked into his.

You smiled softly, one of your hands coming out from behind his neck to rest on his cheek, of which he leaned into. "I know that past experiences you had with other women may have been bad, but I can promise you that I'm never going to leave you. No matter what."

He scanned over your face, looking for any detection of that being a lie, but he found none. "Cause it's you. And it's always been you. And I wouldn't have it any other way." You stated.

One of his hands came up and placed your hand back around his neck. After he put his hand back beside your head, he leaned in closer to you, his hot breath fanning over your face as he tilted his head. Once more he looked over your face for any sign of you lying, but once more, found nothing. He rested his head onto your shoulder, closing his eyes before he did so. He lifted you up off of the snow, holding you up against him with your thighs, your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. "What you said was certainly unexpected. I was expecting the worst, but I know that you really do love me. And I love you for that." He expressed, coming from your shoulder to look into your eyes.

You could see the sincerity swirling in his eyes, it sending you into a feeling of ease. "You know, you have made me feel a way for you that I haven't felt with anyone else. A spark that lit on fire. A shooting star in the sky that shone so bright amongst the others who were somewhat dull and shone when you showed them your light." He voiced.

"So in reality, you make me feel a way that nobody else has ever made me feel. Ever. And, now I think it's finally time I embrace that and explore it." Dark said.

A bright smile stretched across your face, happiness coming over you. You pulled him towards you, your lips meeting half way. Fireworks erupted in each of your stomachs, the fire lighting up the spark between the both of you. Both of your lips move in sync, a firey passion burning for one another. You pulled away after a moment, Dark very nearly chasing you. You both opened your eyes, staring into each other's. Snow fluttered down from around you, the flurries of snowflakes falling onto Dark's midnight black hair and his suit. "Well, then I'm glad that you are now willing to go on an adventure and see where that exploration takes you. And I'm glad to help you along the way." You said, smiling a bit.

He smiled back, something that he rarely did. "And I'm over the moon about you wanting to explore it with me. So," He started, tilting his head,

"Let's go on an adventure of a lifetime."

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