Prologue: Two Worlds Connect

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Hey, hey, hey! I've finally come up with a new work that I made available in Movellas. I decided to make it available in Wattpad for the sake of convenience, backup and of course, your enjoyment. Tell me what else can be done. Thank you all for your support.




Azeroth was a planet whose past and present has been marked and shaped by constant threats. Its lifeblood was magic, a force that had come to be utilized by most of its inhabitants in many forms. It both had the potential for good and bad, heal and harm. In years past, it had been heavily abused, causing damage.

It attracted the Burning Legion, a vast demonic army seeking to destroy life. The Burning Legion's second coming has heralded a new page in the history of this world. The Scourge, created by the Legion to weaken the planet's inhabitants to prepare for their second invasion, had done its job really well.

 The Scourge, created by the Legion to weaken the planet's inhabitants to prepare for their second invasion, had done its job really well

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The Lich King, Ner'zhul, had chosen his champion in the form of Prince Arthas. Lordaeron was first to fall to the undead's machinations. Desperate, the young prince strove to destroy the Scourge's supposed leader Mal'Ganis, only to start his fall to undeath the moment he wielded Frostmourne, the cursed runeblade claiming his soul in the icy wastes of Northrend after slaying the dreadlord.


Arthas Menethil, former crown prince of Lordaeron, now was a death knight. Under the orders of Tichondrius, a dreadlord like Mal'Ganis, he had to undergo a task involving Kel'Thuzad, a necromancer earlier slain by the prince before his fall to undeath. To resurrect his remains, a powerful source of magic had to be used. The only viable option was the Sunwell. It meant having to go through Quel'Thalas, the high elven homeland. Under the orders of Tichondrius, a dreadlord like Mal'Ganis.

He was successful in getting past its enchanted elfgates and ushered past the capital of Silvermoon. Slaying its leader, King Anasterian Sunstrider, and massacring more including Sylvanas Windrunner, he reached the narrow river that separated Silvermoon to the Isle of Quel'Danas, where the Sunwell, the elves' font of power, lay bare.

When he reached it, he called upon Frostmourne to create an icy path to allow him and the undead forces to cross the narrow strait. The special urn once used for his father's ashes, King Terenas Menethil II, whom he killed as his first test, mentioned by Tichondrius, now carried Kel'Thuzad's remains to prevent it from decaying long enough for the journey to the well.

He placed the urn in the middle of the Sunwell, severely corrupting its energies as Kel'Thuzad arose once again, this time as a lich in the servitude of Ner'zhul. He exited the Sunwell as the final step of his rebirth.

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