Chapter V: Sylvanas Windrunner

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New chapter picking up the pace. Sorry for the delayed release as I had some emergencies, the professors increasing academic works, etc.

Hope you enjoy this one!


Late Afternoon
(Earth Time 0900 Hours/9:00 A.M.)

Reginald Finnegan, Navy SEAL, was sent back to Azeroth to brief the mission commanders on what the Pentagon and Congress want. He wass given a covert re-insertion the same way he entered on the USS Albany.

Once he was onboard back the USS Cole, he told them on what the next orders were: secure a diplomatic agreement with the quel'dorei's leaders and to eliminate hostile forces in the region by any means necessary. To back it up, President Obama sanctioned the orders in the first place.

In the captain's quarters, a Petty Officer Third Class (E-4) entered and relayed the news that another elf had been found approaching the camp, wounded and sent to the medical treatment facility. They immediately headed there in person after the message stated that the elf was identified as a Ranger-General, which sounds military enough despite unfamiliarity of the actual term.

Marine Encampment
Medical Treatment Facility

Seven hours later, Sylvanas woke up on a hospital bed wearing a patient gown with the IV still in her arm. She felt a strange mix of comfort and confusion from the bed's cushioning being both nice to the touch and unfamiliar to her. She then looked at her gown and wondered where her armor and clothing went, along with her gear.

Lenara, Aurina, Lylia, Zanavar and Yaeron stayed the entire time watching over her just in case something else happened, ignoring the growing pain they experienced from the Sunwell's corruption.

The Ranger-General then suddenly realized the men in green had performed some unfamiliar medical practices on her, and remembered the healer who tended to her telling her that she was going to sleep. Her eyes widened from a mix of anxiety and the urge to flee, followed by rapid breathing.

"Ranger-General, calm yourself. Do not worry, your wound has been treated. You have nothing to fear." Aurina comforted her

Sylvanas then looked at her arm and saw the IV tube connected to it. She then attempted to remove it, but was stopped by a corpsman.

"No, no, no. Easy... it's just meant to help you recover."

"What have you done to me?!" she asked in a mix of confusion and anger

"Ehem, we managed to close up your deep puncture wound above your heart. Also, I don't recommend pulling the tube out. It'll hurt, and you still need to recover from your dehydration and blood loss." Chief Ava Schmidt stepped in

"You... you're the healer that put me to sleep!" she said with eyes widened 

"Right, I am sorry for that, but it was necessary. If you struggled during the surgery, your wound might tear open and increase the risk of infection."

"Fine. Where is my armor?"

"Oh, it's just stored in the box right behind me. Don't worry, we needed to remove it to perform the surgery as safely as possible. To be honest, your armor was all banged up and filthy when you ended up here, and we couldn't take the risk of any infectious agents possibly entering the wound."

Thinking of that, she remembered that she woke up in an iron coffin surrounded by rotting piles of dead flesh. For that, she let it slide. Then she looked again at the tube connected to her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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