Meeting A Zombie

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The Candy Store

Once upon a time I was walking in town alone. I saw a candy store so I went in there and saw a weird dude. He was short with gray and greenish hair. He had these gray eyes with no pupils. He has some free samples. So I ate one. It tastes kind of bitter to me. Then I smiled at him and he gave me a toothy grin back. So I walked out of the store. Then I found a trash can and spit out the piece of candy. I looked up something with his Characteristics and found something like him. I thought to myself is he a ZOMBIE.?

  So I looked up more about zombies. I found some more stuff like they are allergic to candy, they hate light, you can only kill them by feeding them candy, or let by an elephant stepping on them, or by making them eat a fat person, and don't let them bite u or u will die or u turn into a zombie. I thought to myself u can't get get them thing unless someone risks their lives just to kill a zombie and nobody would do that. It was 10 o'clock so I went to bed. The next morning I was determine to find a fat kid or a huge elephant. So I went walking in town searching for 1 of them to items. Suddenly the ground started to rumble; I looked up and saw...... an elephant. So I snuck around the elephant's legs I could get to the tail and climb up as soon as I found the tail I seen a fat kid past by so I said psssss....  Then he looked up at me and I nodded him to come over where I was. Then I asked "Do you want to get eaten by a zombie?" Then kind of stared at me for a moment then nodded at least I think it was a nod. Then I said "Come with me." I got a hold of the elephant's tail and started to climb up it. When I was at the top of the elephant I looked at the ground, I almost passed out but then I looked away real fast. Then the fat kid got on top of the elephant after an hour. Man, he was so fat I thought. Then I asked what his name was and he said It was Billy Joe. So I told him the plan and where the Zombie was. He kept saying "ya" so I was pretty sure he was ignoring me, and thought I was stupidest and craziest person in the entire universe. So I glared at him and he glared back at me smiling. I raised my eyebrows and then started glaring back again. This went on for about 15 minutes but, it felt like more. Then finally we made it to the store. We went inside and got a free sample. I told him to eat a piece of his candy, so he did and he didn't swell up or nothing. Then asked him," Do u want to eat this boy." He said with a raspy voice, "NO ARE U CRAZY I'M DON'T EAT LITTLE FAT PPL!"  Then I asked him, "Do u want to eat a elephant." Then he said "No why are u asking these weird questions." I blurted out "BECAUSE UR A ZOMBIE!" Then he gave me an evil smiled and glared at me.

Then he said "How do u know my secret?" Then I said "I figure since your looks like a zombie or an evil person." Trying not show fear in my eyes as we looked at each other. "If I ever seeing you telling someone my secret your dead to me," the zombie said in a dead serious look. I said "How do I know you would kill me and plus nobody would ever believe me that you're a flesh and blood zombie." Well I said that I was thinking of some plan to kill him. He said "You're gonna regret you ever thought I was a zombie." He turned a shade of red like he was a ripe tomato. "Do you even know what my life has been like since I became a zombie, it's terrible to know that one day someone could find out that you're a Zombie and never love or like you again," said the zombie. I said "Oh." I looked at with kind loving eyes trying to make him feel better and turn his normal color again. Then he said "So enough of this zombie talk and now would you like to buy a piece of candy, or have a sample." The fat kid Aka Billy Joe finally spoke up and said, "I would love a sample." I kicked him for being rude. Then the fat kid said "Ouch that really hurt." Then he just glared at me. The Zombie said "Its ok if he is rude I got bully for making a candy since this evening." Then I said "I'm so sorry." I thought he was really mad at me confronting him a minute ago. He said it was ok and I knew it wasn't because I could tell it in his eyes. Then a customer came in. I turned to face the customer and I said to them "You should really try his candy its delicious." Then I Turned to look at the Zombie and smiled. He gave me a sad smiled back then I walked out the door. I shooed the elephant away and the fat kid, Billy Joe. Then went home and went to bed after a long sad day. I thought before I went to bed I was going to the candy store in the morning and learning about the zombie's life.


The Candy StoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora