Chapter 4

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"Do you have a movie or something to watch." I say.
"No, not really," Shane says. Then i try to think of something else that would pass the time.
"Then can you tell me a story about here please," I say pleading.
"Let me think of something that happened here," he says. I let him think while I wait. "I got one but first lets go in the living room." He grabs my wrist and leads me to the living room. "Sit down," he says. I was gonna ask him if he could ever say please but I thought better of it.
"I'm ready at anyti......"he cuts me off and he begins his story.
"There once was a time that werewolves ruled over the world, which I'm meaning here anyways. We were the stronger leaders. We protected are people from you humans that cause destruction. You guys kept on coming to our side of our world and kept chopping down our homes. Alot of my people died. One day we couldn't do anything about you humans. So we had to move into the otherworld. Where there were some many dead that you couldn't even count. But we built it up to look like this. We thought no human could find us until now. And the werewolves were never the leaders anymore." He stop in a moment of silence.
"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you guys at all." I say
"We're not afraid of you humans anymore, and we never will be anymore." He says.

I smell prey in the air. Yummy, deer. I start to run as fast as I can toward the deer scent. Surprisingly I can run fast. I see the deer finally. The wind blows away from me and the deer smells me.
Darn it. The deer takes off. I realize I can run faster then it. Weeds, briars and tree branches are whacking me in the face and legs. I don't feel pain though. I get close enough to the deer and pounce.
Suddenly i wake up in my T-shirt drenched in sweat. I breathe hard and fast. I can't stop my heart from pounding. Then I realize I am in a house laying on a cold floor. Not in a forest chasing a deer.
Then I hear footsteps. Shane walked in the room I was sleeping in.
"Are you alright. You look like you woke up from a nightmare," he said.
"I'm fine don't worry," I say while breathing and my heart start slowing down. In and out I think.
"Well, I'm gonna go out to take a run. You wanna come?" He saids.
"Sure, but go slow I don't have any werewolf speed." I say.

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