Chapter 6

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I start retracing my steps back to Shane's house since I don't know where it is. Man, I wish he could of told me directions or escort me back to his place. my memory is bad enough as it is.

After about a good hour I finally find my way back to his house. I hope it isn't locked I think to myself. What if I can't get in. Oh man, that would suck.

As I walk up to door, I see a note on the door.

If you thought I would forget to unlock the door I didn't I was just kinda lazy to get it unlock. The key is under the welcome mat. I can't wait for tonight.. it's gonna be a blast!!!
~ Your Best Buddy

Oh my.. He sounds like a dork but I'm glad I can make happy by just going with him. I go into a room and look for the closet. Finally I find the closet behind a dresser. Ugh!!! Why does Shane have be so secretive.. it ain't like he has a dead body in there. What If he does?? I go and sit on the bed in the room, I think about that for about 20 minutes. Nope I ain't going open that closet. Then I find another bedroom door with a S on it. I guess that this is Shane's room. I go to open it but it won't budge. Ugh. Then I realize that there is a rug in front of the door. I go to look under it and there is the key.

"Yes," I whisper. I go to unlock the door and it creaks when I open it. A cold draft comes at me and gives me chills. As I step in I feel like I'm trespassing. I just feel weird going into a guys room besides my brothers.

Oh yea... I forgot to tell you about my brother. My brother he was the only sibling. But on my 13th birthday that was the last day I saw my brother. He disappeared the day after my birthday. I was crushed because I was close to him. Me and him were inseparable. Wherever you saw him you saw me. But we could never find him. That was the worst day of my life.

Back to walking in Shane's room. I look for the closet and I found it easily. I rush to his closet. I look around to see what time it is before I open the closet. It's 3:55. Oh crap!!! I better be finding that dress or whatever he got me. Y did he get me a dress when I didn't even know him or about the party? I think to myself. I got to remember to ask him about that. I turn back to the closet and go to open it. I see suits, t-shirt, shorts, jeans, jackets, but no dress. Oh man, I bet it is the room with a dresser in front of the closet door.

I rush out his room real fast since I only got an hour to get ready. I find it in about 5 minutes since I don't know the place at all. I rush into the room. thinking to myself I bet this is a guest room. I look around until I spot the dresser in front of the closet. I move the dresser as much as I can until I'm able to open the closet. I open the closet where I'm able to fit in there.

Good, no dead body. As soon as I look where the hangers are I find a dress. It looks like it would fit me. I try the thing on and it fits perfectly. I go into the kitchen and find a rag and wash myself down so I won't stink then I put the dress on. I look to find a clock.
I go back into Shane's room to see what time it is. Its 4:30. Great! I have time to put my hair up. I go to the room where I changes and go to my jeans and pull out some bobby pins and hair ties. After trying forever to put my hair up I give up and decide to leave it down.

I go back into Shane's room and look at clock since I can't find one anywhere else. Its 4:58. Hey, I'm just in time. When I turn around I see Shane. He looks shocked.

"You look beautiful," he says with his eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, whatever but thanks," I say plainly although I'm blushing. Then suddenly like I'm actually in the world. My eyes look at him from head to toe. His hair is messy and he looks so dang attractive. My jaw hangs open. He can tell I just realized him because he a smirk on he face.

"You think I'm utterly handsome, don't you" he says teasingly.

"No, I don't," I lie. How could I end up going to a party with this handsome fellow.

"I know you're lying," he continues, "I bet you want to kiss me to."

"I.. I.." I fail to deny. He just smirks at me.

He whispers in my ear, "You will get some of this later, don't worry darling." That sends goosebumps up my arms and my breath hitches. He is doing this on purpose.

"Well if you think I want you then why don't you just kiss me," Bravery coming out of nowhere.

"Well, okay then." Before I get a chance to reply. His lips collide with mine. As soon as I realize it I start kissing him back and my arms go around his neck. One of his hands is on my waist pressing me closer to him while the other is on the back of my head. My body tingles everywhere. I gasp for air and he slips his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues touch. Finally he pulls away.

"I told you, you wanted me," he says mockingly.

"Oh, shut up," I hissed back.

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