Chapter 3

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Sorry I Couldn't think a name that for this chapter. well lets get on with the story..

"Please, get that knife away from my throat." I said.
"Oh, sorry it's just a habit," Shane says looking embarrasses. I keep looking into his bright blue eyes. It so hard to avoid them. Then I start to day dream about his blue eyes.
"Umm..... you okay" Shane says.
"Ya," I say dreamily. Then I snap out of it.
"You want something to eat," he says.
"Nah, I'll pass."
"Are you sure? Cause I got fresh deer meat."
"No I'm good," My belly starts to growl. Darn it. I didn't eat before I left.
"Come in the kitchen and get something in your stomach," he says
"Fine," I say. He takes my hand and I start feeling a tingle sensation. We turn couple corners before we get to the kitchen. He opens the fridge.
"You see anything you want.' he says. I look over everything in the fridge and I see something that catches my eye. It's pizza. I think.
"You want some of this," Shane said.
"Sure!" I say. He puts it down on the table with no plate or anything. I look at awkwardly. Then I just go back to eating the pizza thing again. I scarf it down.
"What is this? Because its really good." I say. While I say licking my fingers.
"It's mouse brains on witches' hair." Shane says.
"Ewwwwww!" I scream, then I start to gag. I can't believe I just ate mouse brains. Uk
"Dude, no puking on the floor. Go outside if your gonna do that." Shane says.
"But you invited me in!" I protest.
"Too bad," he says. He forces me out. I try to stop him but he to strong.
"Fine then, I won't puke." Then he stops pushes me out of the house.
"Then you can stay." He says like he just won an argument.

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