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chase +charli



chase pov: my heart stops beating as my eyes set on her. she looks as beautiful as ever. the way the dress fits her petite body and the way the lip gloss shines in the lights as she walks. all eyes practically set on her. she finds me with her eyes and her eyes brighten up and she spots me. a sense of pride and happiness sets on me. she makes me feel this way somehow. she walks up to me as i spot her wearing sneakers beneath the gown. classic charli.

charli pov: he keeps looking at me as i enter the room and walk up to him. his eyes never leave my face. i feel myself blushing and smiling so hard under my cheeks. he laughs a bit as i finally reach him. "what?" i question. "u rock those sneakers" he says. i look down and roll my eyes. i have always liked sneakers and being a bit different never hurt no one. why u gotta wear 4 inch heels when u can be comfy in sneakers?  he goes and grabs some punch for us while i just vibe to the music. we were at our senior prom party. a memory in the making. with chase. he is my boyfriend and has been for 8 months. he treats me like a queen and i love him with all my heart. he comes back with the punch and we both just drink while some people dance on the dance floor to some music.

chase pov: "may i have this dance?" i say after slower songs start playing. she looks at me and laughs as she grabs my hand i offered her. we both head to the floor with some other couples. 

charli pov:i rest my hand on his right shoulder and he rests his hand on my wist while he grabs my other hand. we dance to the music and he moves and swirls me while i gigle continuously. he  does all sorts of dance steps possible and ngl i m pretty impressed. "i thought i was the dancer in this relationship" i say sarcastically. "well, i learned a thing or 2 from u" he says winking. i smile. the song changes to an even slower one and he pulls me closer to him. the lights dim but his eyes are enough to light me up. 

chase pov: she rests her head over my shoulder as we slowly move and dance. i can feel her smiling over my shoulder all along which makes me smile too. "did i tell you, how beautiful u looked?" i ask. "no" she says. "well, you do, you look amazing tonight" i say and i feel her smiling harder. "thankyou" she replies softly. "are u tired?" i ask after a while. "kinda" she replies. "come lets sit then" i say and we both head to some chairs near the drinks counter, we spot Kace, the school bully sitting there and start finding a different place to sit but to no avail. i see charli getting more tired so i just sit her down on one of the chairs. "ill get some water for u" i tell her. i rush to the refrigerator but i find no water. aghhhhh. i look around and i find a closed bottle on the counter, i grab it and head back to charli.

charli pov: chase goes to grab me some water while i rest my legs by sitting down. a chair pulls up to me. its ....Kace. what does he want now? i dont say anything, cause he hasn't done anything yet but i look around for chase. i dont see him so i assume he couldn't find the water. "charli..right?" Kace says. here we go. i nod. "the girl with the hype for no reason" he continues. "that'd be me" i say laughing nervously as i look for chase once more. "finding someone?" he asks. " boyfriend" i reply. "ooooh she has a boyfriend" he says laughing. i raise my brow. "is he your little high school soulmate?" he says mockingly. i fume up. "at least i have someone to call my 'little high school crush'" i say doing the quote-unquote thing with my fingers when i said 'little high school crush'. "dont talk back to me" he says. "or what?" i sya getting up, he's getting on my nerves. and where the hell is chase. i scan the room but still no sign of him. kace grabs my wrist tightly. i let out a small scream. 

chase pov: i head back to the place i left charli at and see kace grabbing her wrist, which causes her to scream a bit. that motherfucker is gonna get a piece of my mind now. how dare he touch my girl. i rush and separate his hand from charli's wrist. i motion her to head back a bit. i push kace from his chest saying "what the hell man, what did she do to u". he laughs. "i guess this is the famous boyfriend" he says laughing. "yeah and he punches real hard too" i reply. "ooo calm down small guy" he says laughing louder at his ridiculous joke. "keep ur hands off of her, get that" i tell him. "or what, you gonna fight me with those scrawny hands?" he questions. my fits clench up. i punch him in the face and that knocks him down. 1 blow and that guy was taking about my physical strength. "dont ever fucking touch her asshole or you would regret ever knowing her name" i warn him and grab charli's other wrist lightly and we head back outside. 

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