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addison pov: bryce micheal hall. was standing right beside me. my best friend since childhood but we parted went he gained fame and had to move to la from lousisiana. he was back. after 5 years and i still couldn't stop crying that he was actually here. me and bryce never had anything romantic but we both knew very well we had feelings for each other from the way our face lit up when we saw each other and hugged and cried at the airport. i was showing him around our apartment complex we used to live in cause it had drastically changed since the last time he was here. there was a bigger pool and a whole football field. i told him about all the plants and flowers cause i was kinda into them and knew all their names.

bryce pov: she is still the same cheerful beautiful addition i knew. she shows me around and tells me about various trees etc. but i barley focus as i can only look at her and admire her. her face. her voice. the way her hair flicked when she walked excitedly and showed me around. i was so in love with her. i had been aching to meet her since forever and this year i just felt the need to go back and tell her how i felt. maybe even ask her to come to la with me. i know its a long shot but i was a man on a mission but my hopes soon shattered as i witnessed things.

addison pov: as i am telling bryce about the hibiscus flower, simon jumps out of the nearby bush. it freaks me out and he laughs. "hey addy-" he starts before noticing bryce too. his smile fades away. "oh simon this is bryce, bryce, simon" i introduce them. they shake hands. "i thought u were free today" he says. "we were gonna go grab dinner" he adds. oh shit yeah. "oh, yes, i am so sorry simon, maybe next time?" i tell him apologetically. he nods looking a bit annoyed. "have fun" he says and puts his hands in his pockets and leaves.

bryce pov: she had a date with that guy tonight. aghhh. what a pathetic looser. i shake the feeling off and just try to enjoy my time with Addison right now and convince myself she does like me cause otherwise i was gonna be pretty heartbroken. and fate does nothing but that as 2 guys that were playing football come up to us. one of them says "what's up baby gir-" he starts saying but stops midway.  from the look i was giving him and Addison. wait what. was he just about to say babygirl. what the fuck is happening? i clench my fists. "hey robby" addison says nervously. "hey" he replies. "ill catch u later" he just says and goes back to practicing football with his friends. thank god he left or i would've broken his jaw. my self-esteem and confidence drops lower and lower as i encounter all these boys hitting on Addison.

addison pov: why does everyone wanna hang with me like right the fuck now. ughhh. i hate this. i feel so bad for bryce. he was totally uncomfortable with this and so was i. i didn't want him to think i liked someone else cause i didnt. i only liked him. before i encounter another guy i tell bryce. "i baked cookies, lets go home and eat them" cheerfully. he nods with a smile. as we wait for the elevator i glance at bryce sideways. he looks a bit pissed. cant blame him for that.

bryce pov: the elevator bill dings and it opens as a guy walks out. "hey addison, i texted you last night, why didn't u reply" he says turning around to talk to Addison. seriously. another fucking guy. i clench my fists ready to hit this one for sure before addison grabs my hand and tell the guy "not a good time zack" and pulls me into the elvator with herself. 

addison pov: we stand in an awkward silence in the elevator before it opens and i walk out, opening the apartment door. bryce follows quietly. he turns around in the hallway. "Addison..." i hush him and look the door. "bryce..I'm sorry" i tell him. "hey its not your fault" he says laughing nervously. "i mean who wouldn't want you, i just hoped..." he says. "that's very sweet of you bryce" i tell him smiling. he looks up and nods. we just stand there not speaking or doing anything. "i love u addison" he says. my heart lurches. i look up at him shocked. "i love u too bryce" i tell him without thinking twice. his face lights up. "i want u to know i never wanted those guys, i always tried ignoring them but they just wouldn't stop pursuing me, i am sorry if they made you feel bad" i add. he smiles understandingly.

bryce pov: "its ok addison, I'm just very happy and lucky you chose me when you could have anyone u wanted" i tell her. "I'm glad you chose me too, when every other girl is simping over you" she says moving closer to me. i smile. we move closer slowly. taking our time but still controlling ourselves for lunging at each other to get a taste of each others lips. but within time our lips collide and 15 years of waiting don't feel so bad. we swim in each other mouths and lock lips for a good time before separating panting. she lays a hand on my chest and lays her head near my heart tracing my biceps as we stand. i kiss her forehead and feel her smile and i chuckle taking in the moment. it showed me how life could change with just once choice, one confession, one movement and i forever remembered that and never took our times further in life for granted.


so, i just found out i had this written since 2 weeks. yeah, i wanna punch me rn too. anyways, hope u liked it. this came to me in a dream but i was the main character instead. idk, hope u enjoyed. I'm writing a smut rn so hopefully you'll get that soon. bye.

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