Jaden H.

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jaden hossler x y/n

y/n pov: "i wanna get layed tonight" i shout as me and my best friend, Addison get ready to go to a night club. she starts laughing like crazy. i shake my head laughing myself as i put on eye liner. i get ready soon and my friend says "damn u sure are gonna get layed tonight" "ayyyy" i shout as i wear my heels and grab the keys to my bmw and we head out of our apartment. we drive to our fav club and order 2 tequilas. "to being bitches" we say and drink up the drink. i drink 1 more and then i head to the dance floor another drink in hand. i dance and drink and i enjoy myself throughly. i get tired soon and then i head back to the bar where addison was still sitting talking to the bartender. i sit down and she turns to me. "u already found a guy, damn " i say to her. she laughs and takes out her lip gloss to touch it up. i order a coke as i start looking around the club. 

jaden pov: "some bitches gonna get layed tonight" me and my friends cheers and drink to. we came to this bar in l.a to have some fun. i havent been in l.a since 4 years. damn. i had my whole life here before i moved back to texas. to look after my dad who was really ill. it was a tough decision but its all in the past now. some of my friends go to the floor to dance but i and my friend bryce stay put. i order another drink and look around casually as my eyes meet someone elses.

y/n pov: i choke a bit on my drink as soon as i make eye contact with.....jaden. he was my best friend when he lived here with me and the sway house. damn he glowed up. addison pats my back but i tell her i'm okay. he isnt looking here anymore and is talking to his friend...bryce. he was a good friend too. a problamtic but fun guy. shit. he must think i am so dumb. choking on my coke like that.(btw the coke isn't the drug, i am not sure if yall know the soft drink but where i live its called that so) guh. i look away. "how did u manage to choke?" addison asks. i slightly point towards jaden and bryce. her eyes widen. "the hell" she says. "the hell" i repeat. "what the hell are they doing here, out of all fucking nightclubs" she says. "god fucking knows" i reply. "did he see you?" she asks. "why?" i ask back. "cause he's coming here" she says and turns around fully to me so her back is to them and sure enough they are walking towards us. i drink another tequila as jaden comes within a feet of me. 

jaden pov: i tell bryce and he seems shocked as well. i know she saw me even though she is ignoring me rn. so we decide to go up and say hi. i see y/n taking another drink just before i come in front of her. "hey" i say. she tries acting surprised but well we all know. "woah hey" she says. "hey addi" i say to addison. she hugs me and says "hi". bryce and Addison do their awkward hi too. "what are you doing here?" i ask. "none of ur fucking business" she replies and smiles a fake smile. damn. she got sassy. four years ago, she was this sweet, shy silent girl but now she seems anyhting but that.

y/n pov: i snap my fingers in front of him as he goes into a trance. he snaps back. "sorry" he says. "i asked u something," he says "we came here to get laid" addi replies for us. i glare at her. she drank too much. "uhhh, i mean-" she says but its too late. "nah its fine, we came to lay" Bryce replies.  addi smirks. the fuck is happening here. i feel uncomfy so i leave to the dance floor. someone follows me and i know who it is even before i turn to face em.

Jaden pov: "now, what?" she asks. "god , cool down, i didn't do anything" i reply. ".....yet" i add. she smiles but hides it. "Let's just dance," she says and we do just that. we dance.....all over each other. I know we shouldn't do this considering we were just good friends and all but her skin on my skin feels good. i carefully place my hands on her but as she says around. she doesnt say anything so i keep them there. after a few minutes, she turns around and someone bumps into her and our faces get real close. she closes her eyes as i grab her face lightly and i kiss her. she kisses me back and we stay like that for a while until she grabs my wrist and pulls me up in an empty room. 

to be continued...


hey yalll! bahahha I'm back. soooo...yeahhhh. love that for me. i wanna write a harry styles book...should i? i prob will. but um...enjoy this jaden chapter till then. go listen to his album and have an amazing day<333

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