wedding bells

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nessa pov: i'm getting married today. yup. married. a girl who thought she wasn't gonna survive even her 27th birthday is getting married. I've come a long fucking way, haven't i. i am marrying Jacob, i met him about a year back and we decided to get married within 7 months of dating. (jacob is a name that i made up). but i don't feel so good about the wedding. idk. like yeah I'm nervous but something doesn't feel right. but well, what can i do now, i have to go to the later in the next 30 mins. i have to get rid of this bad feeling. i need to enjoy and cherish these moments.

30 mins later*

nessa pov: as i walk to the alter and all eyes are on me i can't help feel like I'm making the wrong decision. i look at jacob ad see him teary-eyed to see me. he smiles and mouths ' you look great' but instead of feeling butterflies or feeling like smiling, i feel nothing. absolutely nothing. juts a pit in my stomach. the priest starts and i put on a fake smile. he says the vows for us because we wanted to do it the traditional way. he asks jacob if he would take me as his wife and he says ' i do' with a huge smile plastered on his face. the priest turns to me and starts asking the same question. i search the crowd for my younger brother Julian, who isn't so little anymore. he nods and smiles at me and i feel a sense of calmness but with calm comes a storm. 


jacob pov: "ness" i say quietly. "nessa" i say again and she snaps back to life. the priest asked her if she would take me as her husband and she remained quiet and wouldn't respond. "do u take jacob as your wedded husband?" the priest asks again. " don't" she says and i feel like I'm having a fucking heart attack. what the fuck.

nessa pov: I spot him. at the entrance of the church. standing there with cooper. jaden Hossler. a guy i thought was my frickin soulmate until we broke up because of toxic social media. he just stands there, looking at me and i stand there too looking at him and feeling as if everything was right again. the pit in my stomach vanishes and life seems to be in slo-motion. it feels like a movie and I'm the fucking main character and so i do what a main character would do. right? i drop my to be husband to have a stroke at the alter and walk out of the stage. 

jaden pov: "she's getting married today, i hope u know" cooper reminds me for the hundredth time. since the day he got the invitation, my life has been upside down. I've had to figure out my feelings and make myself believe i was happy for her. but me and cooper both know that's fucking lies. i still love her. more than anything else. if it weren't for her i wouldn't be alive and now that she's not here, i feel like a dead soul. "coop, where's my tux?" i ask. he grins and says "coming right up" and runs to get our tuxedos. "we're doing this" i say as i put on my tuxedo. i keep repeating the phrase until we reach the church and my heart pounds in my heart. "ur not gonna turn back from here are you?" cooper asks. "if i don't do this now, ill regret it for my whole life" i say. he nods and we walk into the church, the ceremony in progression and i spot again, the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen, looking like an angel in her white wedding gown.

nessa pov: i start running. running down the long hallway/passageway to jaden. my heart beating a million times per minute. clutching my gown in my hand, to prevent myself from falling, my heels clapping on the church floor as i run into jaden's arms, is the most euphoric i've felt in a long time. he chuckles as he wraps his hands tightly around my body. we both sob as we hold each other and finally i look up at him. he pushes my bangs behind my ear slowly and kisses me. everything feels right again. idk how i didn't realize this sooner, all i ever wanted was to be with him. spend time with him, marry him, fuck, even have his kids someday. i went on the wrong path with jacob but he, he was all i ever wanted. "I'm sorry," i say. "shush" he says. "you have nothing to be sorry about" he adds. "i love u" i say still wrapped in his arms. "i love u more," he says. 

jaden pov: "alright, if we're done with all this fucking drama, can someone tell me what the fuck just happened" Jacob screams. me and ness look up at him and i honestly feel so bad for him. nessa moves and walks up o talk to him. "jacob, i m so so sorry" she says. "his wasn't my intention, i didn't mean to hurt you, jacob, to be honest, we never felt right, you were always the guy who thought suicide was dumb, and had never dealt with any sort of pressure or mental issues. you thought my mental health was a joke and therapy was a waste of time." she says.

"what are you trying to say" jacob questions. "I'm trying to say that, you never got me, my mental health has been the hardest things I've had to deal with and I've been dealing with it since i was a child. it was a bog part of me and my feelings. i needed someone who understood me, who supported me, who had gone through the same shit, not someone who thought it was all a joke" she says. "jaden is that for me" she says looking at me. i smile sadly.

nessa pov: "but jacob, i knew you were great guy and would make me happy and i hoped you would get what i was going through, maybe not now, but in the future some day. you never failed to give me anything i wanted, you respected my decisions, you were caring and kind and well spoken and you always did the right thing and so i decided to marry you. but jacob, i know, i know and i knew that if i wouldn't have said no to u at that alter, i would regret it for the rest of my life. i would always wonder, what would've happened if i had said no. and jacob, i live in too much fear and overhtinking already. i just wanted to take an impulsive decision for once in my life, without overhtinking it and doing something i felt was right. please don't hate me. we were just not meant to be" i say and hug him. i walk away then, towards jaden and we walk out of the church.


Jaden pov: "you did not just come to a church, to make a bride run away from her wedding on a motorcycle," she says shaking her head. cooper laughs. "coop" i start saying but he interrupts. "I'll take a ride with Julian" he says. "thanks man" i say. i start the motorcycle and nessa sits behind me. "your gowns gonna get dirty" i say. "i don't care, I'm gonna buy a new one for our wedding" she says smiling. "oh, so ur sure i would wanna marry you" i question sarcastically. "yeah, no one can resist this suicidal fucked up girl" she says. "suicidal or not, no one can resist a goddess like you" i say. "oh shut it, just drive the motorcycle and hey i want a lollipop" she says. "a lollipop?" i say. "yeah, so that i can properly feel like a bad bitch and the main character" she says. we both laugh and i drive the motorcycle.

her dress-

her dress-

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hi, haven't read the chapter through so don't blame me if there's any errors. sorry in advance.idk even if this makes sense but hopefully it does. i always wanted to do a chapter like this. of like a runaway bride. and i wanted to do a naden chapter so there you go. yall seemed to like my last instgram posts chapter thingee so ill prob do more. have a nice day and remember you're the main character, with or without a lollipop.

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