Dinner with Batman

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Arry, sitting down at the dinner table, wonders how he managed to get Batman over for dinner. Batman is obviously a very busy person but still he came. Arry had sent an invitation a week earlier to make sure Batman got it, the excitement on Arry's face when he got the response from Batman was priceless. He jumped up and down and screamed with a smile on his face. Batman told him that he would get there a day earlier and asked if he could stay at Arry's place. Of course Arry said yes to that.

- Arry was just an ordinary british man, he was small, small moustache on his face (a really big moustache gap though) he only wore T - shirts that had the Batman symbol on, and only black pants. He had a short hairstyle, very fluffy and he never brushed it. His voice sounded like a squirrel, his big nose always made it hard for him to read a book. The nose blocked his eye view.

Arry has been a fan of Batman since he first heard of him, he had written his own comics and stories about him, he made fan - arts and he even went as Batman one Halloween. Arry is 26 years old and lives alone in a small house in England, just outside of London. His job is streaming on twitch,he likes to be called "Arrybo" and of course he likes that, that's his twitch name. He doesn't have many followers (1045) but he still has enough to be able to pay his bills and buy food. Not many people in his family know that he streams, they all think that he works at the billionaire company, Tony Stark tech. He is still kinda embarrassed about his job but that doesn't affect his love for his viewers, one of his favourite people that watch him is named N0vamic, a texan boy from america. N0va gets really irritated when people call him "n0vamikk" he wants to be called "n0vamike" 
When n0va first joined Arry's stream, Arry accidentally called him "texas" n0va pretended to be annoyed by it but we all know that he really wasn't, because n0va is always there watching Arry play fortnite. 
Fortnite is Arry's favourite game, a day doesn't go by that he doesn't play that stupid game.  N0va prefers Minecraft ( I mean everyone does )

-"The food tastes good".

Arry, looks at Batman with a happy smile, "Oh, why thank you sir. It took me 5 hours to cook that chicken, mainly because i kept messing it up"

"Well, it's delicious, what sauce is this by the way?" Batman looks at Arry
"It's just a chicken sauce, don't really know the name" Arry looks at Batman and wonders how he is able to eat with his mask on, Batman hadn't taken his mask of, he still wanted to be unknown.

As they were eating dessert a loud bang could be heard from the living room, Arry and Batman both stood up from the table and ran to the living room.  They came into the living room only to see the window completely smashed, glass everywhere and in the middle of the living room stood a woman, dressed with a black t-shirt leather jacket over that, black pants, with glasses on her nose and a sword on her back. She had a long hair, Arry was unable to figure out the colour of the hair, hence it was really dark in the living room, and to make it worse it was really dark outside. 
"OH MAH GAD, she is beautiful" Arry thought to himself. The woman stood there in front of him, with a badass look on her face. "YOU!" she pointed at Arry. "You, are coming with me" she said. 
Batman just stood there with this fake badass look on his face. The woman could see that he was scared, by the look of his eyes he was terrified. "Uh uh, w..why me?" Arry asked.
"I need you" the woman replied, now with a grin on her face. 
"who are you?" Arry asked. The woman looked at Arry, still with that grin on her face. "I am Laura, The god of elementals" she put her hand on Arry's shoulders and created this little fire figure. "oi what the hell are you doin...." he said but realised that it didn't hurt. He watched the figure dancing on his shoulders. Soon the figure disappeared. "Now, you come with me little man" the woman said before  she took Arry and put her arm around him, she held onto him as she flew outside through the window. "PUT ME DOWN WOMAN" Arry yelled, terrified for his life, Arry had always been very scared of heights. He never went on a plane and he never climbed trees, not even when he was a kid. To him, heights shouldn't exist. Laura ignored him, she flew over London, Arry kept his eyes closed. He prayed to god that this flying madness would end soon. 

Few minutes later they landed on a tall building, on the top of the building was a small apartment, the door was made from wood and the walls were made from bricks. It was as if the woman had built it herself. 
Laura took Arry inside, closed the door and locked it. In there was one bed, a chair and a small table. nothing else. 

"This is where you're gonna stay while i have the need of you" she said with a very scary voice.
"What? who's gonna bring me food, and how will i be able to use the toilet?" Arry asked, scared of what the response might be. "I will bring you food twice a day and i will build a toilet for you in a second" what did she mean by "build a toilet". 

A moment later Laura put her hands out in the air and mumbled some words that were not understandable, a toilet appeared in one of the corners.
"Here, now stop whining like a little chihuahua dog" she said before leaving the small apartment and locking the door.

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