Batman is here!

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Arry had been locked in the tiny brick apartment for 34 hours now, he prayed that Batman would save him, afterall Batman is his hero and role model. He felt lonely, he missed streaming, he missed talking to the 5 viewers he got every stream, he missed Batman, but most of all he missed N0va. His best friend from texas that not only modded but also kept his stream going. N0va and Jordi helped him pay the bills. N0va is like Arry's sugar daddy, Jordi is like his sugar mommy. As he was sitting on the chair thinking about this delicious chicken he had cooked for himself and Batman. He wanted to eat the leftovers. He also hadn't been able to brush his moustache. The moustache gap kept getting smaller and smaller by the hour. He started singing to pass the time "London bridge is falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down...."

He did sing pretty well, he never sang for anyone, well he did sing for N0va. Sometimes when they did their weekly late night phone calls, N0va often asked him to sing "Jajadingdong" N0va loves that song, Arry hates it. Arry still does it, he loves N0va so much. Arry felt tired, he had been singing for a while and wanted to sleep. He hadn't slept anything, he was to scared that the scary woman would come back while he was sleeping.
Arry layed down on the bed, facing the wall, thinking about how he will be able to stream again.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door, someone was knocking, Arry turned around in bed and looked at the door. Maybe he was imagining it, he stared for a while at the door. He closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon. There was another knock on the door, Arry opened his eyes, stood up and walked towards the door. He hesitatingly opened the door. Arry smiled when he saw who it was. "Batman!!" he yelled, "I knew you would come, i knew it" Arry said as he hugged the spoiled brat that called himself Batman. "of course i came, i needed to help you escape from that mad woman" Batman said as he carefully pushed Arry away so he could be released from the hug (Batman doesn't like hugs)

-"So, how am I gonna help you escape without the woman noticing?" Batman asks, with a bit of a worried smile. "I have no idea" Arry replies, but with a really strong british accent so it sounds like he's saying "Ey Hav Noh IDEEEhu" Batman doesn't really understand what he's saying at first so Arry needs to repeat himself " I. HAVE. NO. IDEA." now it was more understandable. "well i suppose we could jump of the building?" Batman said looking at Arry, and only now Batman saw how small Arry really is. "Well, I...I mean we could do that" Arry said but with a hesitation in his voice. "Alrighty then" Batman looks at Arry with excitement, He puts his arm around him and they both walk to the edge of the building, "oh god this is a very tall building" said Arry, he was a little scared, but he ignored it.

"3......2.....1" they both jumped, Batman accidentally let go of Arry, he saw batman fall down, Arry jumped so it confused him why he didn't fall down too, he looked up and saw the mad woman holding his leg. He looked at Batman barely saving himself from turning into a pancake. "oh god oh god. Nah nah nah I'm outta here" Arry heard batman say. He watched Batman run away, "he is a slow runner I must say" Laura said and looked at Arry.
"Batman come back" Arry yelled.
"I'm so gonna ban him from my channel"

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