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"Welcome to Asgard my dear midgardians and Loki" says a strange man, his voice is deep. He's dressed in golden armor with a gigantic sword "his helmet reminds me of the cow hat I have at home" Jams whispered to Jordi and N0va they all three chuckled quietly but the strange man saw that "What are you laughing at my dear midgardians? i do see everything but this i did not see" He says and stares at the three midgardians. "OH-uh-well- Jams said something funny" N0va said looking at the strange man. "WHAT?! I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" says Jams, clearly really scared of that strange man. "relax midgardian, i am just messing with ya" says the strange man "isn't that what you midgardians do? mess with each other?" he adds to his last sentence. "Well, yeah" Says Jordi. "we just find your helmet funny, it reminds Jams of a cow hat he has at home" Said Loki.
"Loki i almost forgot you were here, how come you were so quiet and why, not that i don't like it but i still am curious to know" says the strange man with a confused look on his face, it's not very often that Loki keeps his mouth shut. "Well, Heimdall i was just thinking, I think I'm allowed to do that, right?" Loki said annoyed,  looking at the strange man which name is apparently Heimdall.  "of course, yes my prince"Heimdall says as he takes a bow, with a annoyed look on his face. Heimdall doesn't really like Loki, he never has. "Do you want me to inform your father that you are here with your friends?" Heimdall asks raising himself up after the bow. "First of all, he is not my father and second of all they are not my friends, well at least none of them except for Weewoo, third of all, yes please inform Odin for me" Loki hissed. "Very well then" Heimdall says as he sends a bird flying over the rainbow bridge to inform Odin.

"So Loki, why exactly are you helping us?" nova asked " he doesn't like Loki at all. "Look, how are you gonna help your friend without me and my brother? I mean you're just a mortal" Loki hissed. Pulling out a brush, brushing his hair. "I-I- what do you mean with 'mortal'?" Nova looks at Loki with a confused look on his face
Oh dear didn't they teach those weak mortals anything at school? I didn't know the Norse mythology has been removed from high school studies "What's your name again?" Loki Looks at nova, slowly walking towards him "N—N-Nova" he replies with a stutter. Carefully taking a step back as Loki continues to walk towards him. Loki clearly was getting frustrated "Okay N-N-Nova, I am here because i believe my stupid brother can help. do you dare to question it?" Loki hissed at Nova, stopping right in front of Nova. Nova just realised how really tall he was. He knew he was tall but he didn't know he was this tall. "Loki, calm down buddy. He's just worried about his friend and he clearly has trust issues" Weewoo trying to calm down Loki.

Loki stepped back realising he had almost lost his cool. "I apologize" he said handing out his arm to Nova. Nova takes his hand and they both shake it. "Just don't question my actions, mortal" he said as he took his hand back and started walking over the bridge.
Jordi just stood there with Jams. They burst out in laughter. "They- are j-j- just like little boys f-f-fighting over a toy" jordi said laughing.
"I- I know r-right" Jams said as he looked at nova. Nova didn't really appreciate being laughed at. "Let go guys. We have to hurry if we want to be able to catch Loki" Weewoo said as he started running after Loki. "He's right" Jordi said. They all ran after Weewoo and Loki. "Man he walks fast" Jams said almost running out of breath.

They are barely able to catch up with Loki and Weewoo. "Man, slow down will ya?" Jordi said to Loki, trying catch her breath. "Stupid mortals, I can't even walk at my own speed" he said with a grunt.
They soon reached the end of the bridge. "Welcome to Asgard" Weewoo said with a dramatic tone, almost shouting it.
They were all standing in front of a gigantic city, almost entirely made out of gold. Trees were greener than on earth, birds with much more beautiful tweet than the birds on earth. The sunlight made the city shine. They could hear the water flow, people talking and laughing. At the top of a hill stood a bright, tall castle. It was made out of gold and it looked like the sun it's self when the shined on it. 'That must be Loki's and Thors home' Jams thought to himself. Basically, in short words, the city was nothing like they've ever seen.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Weewoo said as he gave out A small laugh. "It's alright" Nova said with a cold voice. He didn't want to admit that he found the city amusing, all he wanted was finding Thor and helping his friend.

Soon they arrived to the castle. Two guards were standing in front of the gigantic door, which had to be the entrance. The guards recognised Loki and bowed. "Welcome home your highness" they opened the door and let them in.
They walked for few minutes. Soon they arrived to a big room, a high chair was on the other end of the room. In that chair was a old man sitting. White hair and beard, patch covering one of his eyes. "Loki, what brings you here?" The man asked raising his eyebrow. "Hello Odin, I'm here to find Thor. Is he here?" Loki said. "Yes he is here, he's in the garden with Frigga. But before you go, aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friends. And hello there Weewoo" Odin said with a smile.
"They're not my friend, the only friend I am with is Weewoo. These are just my companions" Loki hissed. "My apologies" Odin said standing up from the chair. He walks up to Jams. "Welcome to Asgard my young midgardian, would you be so kind to tell me your name" he said handing his hand out, expecting Jams to shake it. "I-I- my name I-I-is Jams, sir.. your highness" jams stuttered, shaking Odin hand before bowing. "Hush bush you don't have to bow, I don't expect midgardians to bow for me" Odin said as he let out a small laugh.
He walked up to Jordi, asking for her name, shaking her hand as she told him her name. He then walked up to Nova "you must be Nova"
He again took out his hand and so did nova. They shake hands. "How do you know my name?" Nova asked, clearly confused about what's going on. "Well believe it or not, I know someone who watches your tweetch strims"
Nova looks at him, he drops his jaw. "Who exactly? There are quite few people who watch my streams and it's pronounced 'twitch' " he says as he stares at Odin, waiting for him to answer his question. "Well, his name is Mag, he came here a few weeks ago. I don't exactly know how he came but he seemed lost and just took him in" Odin says with a smile.
"Wait, is he talking about 'mrmagmatizer'?" Jordi asks, also getting confused.
Mag is a regular viewer at Novas channel. But few weeks ago Mag stopped watching his streams, he stopped answering his dms and phone calls. No one really knew what had happened.
"That explains why I haven't seen him in such long time" Nova says "is he here?"

-"wait, Nova. What are you doing here?" A voice says behind them all. All of them expect Loki turn around only to see Mag standing there.

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