Jams, N0va and Jordi

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At n0vas place:

N0va had been waiting all day for Arry to stream with batman, he didn't believe him at first, when Arry told him he got Batman to eat dinner with him. But when Arry sent a selfie with him and Batman, he did believe him.

N0va loves watching Arry stream fortnite, even though he doesn't play it himself. N0va streams too, but mostly minecraft. On friday's N0va does this "fangirl friday streams" he gives free subs and bits to streamers. He raffles for it, those who win the raffle get a free sub to a streamer, their choice. Everyone loves those streams, especially Arry. Arry never won a sub, that made him feel a bit sad. He once told N0va that he felt sad about never winning the sub raffles so N0va, secretly, gives Arry one free sub after every fangirl stream.

N0va waited for hours for Arry to start streaming, he wanted to hear all about how the dinner went, and he also wanted to see Batman. 5 hours have passed and Arry still hadn't started his stream, N0va got bit worried about him. " What if Batman is actually a murderer and he killed Arry" he said out loud to himself with a worried voice. "why hasn't Arry started his stream yet and why didn't he say anything about being late?" N0va decided to text Jordi, his girlfriend, She has known Arry for about 3 months. N0va has known Arry for 2 years. N0va met Jordi one day when watching Arry's stream, they began talking and eventually N0va asked her to be his girlfriend.

N0va is a tall man, green eyes, red beard, but no hair on his head (N0va likes being bald, it makes it easier for him to shower. he doesn't have to buy shampoo or any stuff like that) his face is shaped like an egg. He only wears, ONLY wears hoodies. Hoodies that are, for example Arry's merch, as soon as N0va heard about his merch, he bought three hoodies and one T- shirt for Jordi. Sometimes N0va shaves his beard, to annoy Jordi. Jordi hates it when he shaves, she says he looks like a baby when he does it.

"Maybe his internet is dead" Jordi replied to N0vas text. N0va looked at his phone screen and saw that Jordi was typing something, for what seemed like hours she finally hit send. "I mean, you know how he is, If his internet dies then he doesn't let anyone know and he doesn't stream for a week because how angry he gets". "Okay, that does make sense, he has done that before. I'll just wait a few more hours and if i don't hear from him i will fly to London and check on him" N0va hit send and threw his phone on his bed. N0va works at a famous and rich company, he is the co-owner and gets paid loads of money, that's why he can afford so many things, such as plane tickets and subs for people.

Few hours have passed and N0va was really worried about his British friend, he decides to order a plane ticket to London, he asks Jordi to come with and she of course says yes to that. Few hours after that he is at the airport, he meets Jordi there, Jordi is a tall with long brown and blackish curly hair, she has bright blue eyes and her clothe style is so much better than N0vas and Arry's, she hugs N0va and they go on the plane, they find their seats and sit down. The flight takes 8 hours. Both of them were tired, worrying about their friend had taken all energy from them, few moments after the plane goes up in the air they both fall asleep.



Jams is a scottish man, he lives with his parents and his dream is to become a pilot, he loves planes, he only talks about planes on his streams, people love hearing stories about pilots that got lost when flying over the bermuda triangle and stories about how a monkey once flew a plane.
He found Arry on twitch when scrolling through the recommendation list, at first he didn't like him that much, Jams doesn't really like fortnite, but after awhile he only watched Arry's streams.
-Jams is an average height guy, with long and golden dark brown hair, he has dark brown eyes and loves T - shirts, his favourite T - shirt has a picture of a plane that is about to land. His love for planes has grown since he was only a little kid, and it will grow more in the future.

"We are on our way to London to check on Arry" N0va had sent Jams a text right before going on the plane, Jams was also worried about Arry, he and Arry had become pretty close friends.
"I'll meet you at the Heathrow airport" Jams replied, he had to pick up N0va and Jordi from the airport and drive them to Arry's house. "3 hours before we land, be there on time m8" text from N0va, Jams knew that N0va hated when people were late, so as soon as he got the text he went outside, got in his car and started his drive to the airport.

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