Musical detective

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"Iron man just blew up my, well not my, car, Iron man just blew up my, well not my, car. IRON MAN JUST BLEW UP MY, well not my, CAR!!" Jams said pacing around the place with both hands on his head. "I'm freaking out right now. I love iron man. He's like amazing I love him I love him" Jams said, acting like a little boy, drooling over a dog he just saw at the pet store. "JAMS! Relax dude, now we need a new ride" Nova said as he tried to stop Jams from pacing. "Oh yeah I forgot about that" Jams said and a worried look on his face appeared. "Babe, we could call a taxi?" Jordi said hugging Nova. "Well, I'm sure there are no taxis coming here at the moment, I mean there is a big fight going on here at the airport" he said, hugging Jordi.

-"Need a ride?" A man asked walking towards Jordi, Jams and Nova. "Yeah, I mean my car, well not my car, just got blown up" Said Jams
"Oh yeah I saw that, I'm sorry" said the man, the man was dressed In a fancy suit, he had long hair and a small beard, he had sunglasses on, though it was pretty dark outside. "Who are you?, I mean what's your name" asked Nova, finding the man a bit suspicious. "Well my name is Weewoo, it's not my real name, but I use that name to prevent from criminals to come after me. I'm a detective and a musician" Said weewoo, smiling at Nova. "Babe I don't like this dude. He seems suspicious" Nova whispered to Jordi, with a worried look on his face. They both looked at weewoo as he stared back smiling "I know babe but he did offer us a ride and that's exactly what we need now. It's either go with him or stay here and maybe end up being blown up my iron man" she whispered back. "Jams what do you think we should do?" Nova asked, looking at Jams. "I- I think we should take the offer, plus we are three against him so if he does do anything then he we can three stop him" he replied to Nova. "Yeah, we could use a ride" Jams said to Weewoo. "Great! My car is just a few minutes walk away from the airport. I was just coming here from Nebraska to work on a case" he said and started walking away from the airport. The other three followed him.

After walking for a few minutes they reached the car, it was a pretty good looking car. "BROO IS THAT A TESLA?" Jams asked with excitement. "Yeah, I guess working as a musician and a detective gives you a Tesla" weewoo said and chuckled.
"I have to pick up a friend on the way, is that alright with you all?" He looked at the other three "yeah sure, just as long as you can get us there" Nova said as writing down the address for Weewoo. "Okay Great!" Weewoo said. They all sat in the car, Jordi, Nova and Jams sitting in the back. Weewoo drove for about half an hour. Weewoo stopped the car in front of a big house. "We'll just have to wait few minutes" Weewoo said and took up his phone and dialled some number on his phone. "Hey bro we're here" a person was speaking on the other side of the call "oh I'm just giving a few people a ride" the person spoke something again "okay, we're just waiting, take you're time" he said as he hung up.
They waited a few minutes, the car door was opened and a man with black long hair sat in the front seat "Hello there, I'm Loki, of Asgard" the man said "Loki.... the one that attacked New York?" Jordi asked and got a bit worried "well, yes, but let's not talk about that" Loki said and winked at Jordi with a smile on his face. "I don't like this guy at all" Nova whispered getting a bit anxious and worried. "So what brought you too London?" Jordi asked "well Weewoo asked me help with his so called case" he said as he took up sunglasses and put them on "whats with you two and using sunglasses when it's clearly dark outside?" Jams asked. He was really confused about the sunglasses in the dark "Well I made Loki watch men in black and he begged me to try to be like them. So now we use sunglasses at all times" Weewoo replied. "I mean it's rather astonishing that two fancy dressed men can take down aliens with only guns" Loki said

Another half an hour passed and they finally arrived at Arry's place. As soon as Weewoo drove up the house they saw the broken window.
"What happened here?" Weewoo asked

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