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Just a small update to get me out of the rut I've found myself in with writing. It's half term next week though so hopefully I can get some updates out then. Also, I'm getting a puppy on the 27th and I'll update you with more pictures of him then, but for now here's Rocket....

Bouquet of red flowers in one hand and a heart shaped box of chocolates in the other, I steadily made my way through the bustling hallways of the hospital

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Bouquet of red flowers in one hand and a heart shaped box of chocolates in the other, I steadily made my way through the bustling hallways of the hospital.

It had been a good few hours since Oliver told me to leave him alone, and since then I had obeyed his wishes and gone back to my dads house to rest and shower. It was just past lunch time now, and I was deeply oddly optimistic as I came to see Oliver for the second time today. Hopefully he was in a better mood than he was this morning, and it was just the pain killers and tiredness talking instead of his heart.

The nice lady at reception informed me that he had just returned from an x-ray and was hopefully going to be dismissed by this evening, although that depended on the results of the tests they had been running since this morning. Worse case scenario, he would require multiple surgery and years of therapy to even walk again, although that was quite unlikely. Whatever the outcome would be, I was determined to not let this ruin the foundations of our relationship that we had worked so hard to build up over the last few weeks.

As I approached the curtain around Oliver's bed, unfamiliar voices filled my ears, causing my feet to ground to a halt. Without thinking I placed my ear against the curtain, focusing on the voices from inside. They sounded middle age at least, wise and articulate and ragged from years of wear. Was this Oliver's parents?

"What the hell are you doing?" A demanding voice bellows from behind me, making me jump out of my own skin in fright. I quickly swivel around with a squeal, shocked to find Jordan's piercing blue eyes staring back at me. What the hell was he doing here? Surely he wasn't here to see Oliver?

"Shit, Jordan don't do that to me!" I gasped, clutching at the front of my shirt atop where my heart pounded violently against my rib cage. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

"You we're eavesdropping on your own boyfriend?" He asks with strained eyebrows.

"He's not my boyfriend." I correct him, tone hushed and embarrassed as I imagine his parents on the other side of this thin curtain hearing us talk about their own son.

"Sureee." Jordan drags out, rolling his eyes as if I didn't already pick up on the sarcasm of his words from his tone. "That's why you've bought him flowers and heart chocolate."

"At least I have a reason to be here. Why exactly are you here, Jordan?" I ask again.

Call me jealous and overprotective, but the thought of my kind-of-not-really boyfriend and best friend suddenly meeting up behind my back didn't exactly make me want to sing happily from the rooftops. Something fishy was going on here, no pun intended, and I wanted to put a stop to it now. I'm sure there was a perfectly innocent explanation for this, or that it was simply just well timed coincidence, but the fact that Jordan was deflecting my questions didn't exactly help my rising suspicions.

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