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I'm currently sat in philosophy, watching the clock tick tediously s l   o   w. It's ridiculous how slow time can go when your stuck in a lesson that you're not interested in, in my opinion it's one of the small ways the universe is getting its revenge for human kinds constant shitty behaviour.

The weekend at my mums house has left my body completely drained, nothing but a soulless corpse mechanically making it through the day. I made sure to get to school extra early this morning so that I could scrub the smell of her home from my clothes in the bathrooms using the schools soap: it didn't work. Fortunately enough for me, the smell of my disappointment is almost enough to overpower it. Almost.

"Alright folks." The old teacher croaked, his voice rough from years of dealing with obnoxious teenagers. "For this assignment you can choose your groups as long as you be-"

His words were cut off by a tidal wave of excited voices, crashing down so hard it caused the teachers frail body to sway as he clutched his desk for support. Chairs scraped across the classroom floor as pupils leaped out of their chairs and towards their friends. I didn't even know what the assignment was about due to my lack of attention for the past half and hour, but I did know who I wanted to do it with: Sienna.

This would be such a good way for us to talk more! And if I was really lucky I could smooth talk her into meeting outside of school to work on the assignment too, brilliant! I cast my gaze across the room, containing a smirk when I saw that Sienna was still sat at her desk alone. Perfect.

I scrambled out of my chair, clumsily bumping into multiple desks and people as I tried to get to Sienna's desk as quick as possible. She smiled as our eyes locked, dazzling white teeth peaking through her shiny lips. She gently pushed the chair beside her out with her foot as I approached.

"Do you wanna be partners?" I smiled, biting my lip softly as I combed a hand through my messy hair, trying to look as irresistible as possible. Fuck, I probably look like a right idiot right now - abort mission, abort.

"Of corse." She said, words sweet like honey and soft like silk. Her eyes met mine and I instantly began to sweat. Good thing I put on deodorant this morning. Fuck, did I remember to brush my teeth this morning? I quickly dipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out a polo before shoving it in my mouth, just to be on the safe side.

I glance away from Sienna's gaze and look around the classroom. Most people are in groups now, happily absorbed in their own bubbles of friendship. I notice that Sienna and I are the only ones in a group of 2, not that I'm complaining by any means.

My eyes wander to the front, where the teachers wrinkly fingers are tapping away at the grotty, old keyboard attached to his equally ancient computer. Stood next to him is Oliver Sykes, arms wrapped around his body like he was trying to shrink as small as possible. His brown eyes are wide, scared, like a deer caught in headlights.

For a second I wonder what he is doing stood at the front looking like a puppy at the pound, then I quickly realise he's the only one in the class with nobody to go with. Honestly, I'm not surprised. I bet working with him is just as fun as working with a brown brick. He's the equivalent of a black hole, sucking up every last drop of amusement until there's nothing left but boredom and work.

"Sir." He whispers shyly to the teacher, voice so soft and quiet like he doesn't want anyone to hear him and realise he actually has a voice. "Can I do the assignment alone? I don't have anyone to go with."

"Nonsense!" The teachers voice bellows in comparison to Oliver's subdued words. Oliver shrinks back as the classroom goes silent, all eyes flickering to his blushing face. "Put your hand up if you want to work with Oliver."

A second passes, although it seems like an hour as the class is plunged head first into unbearable silence. No one raises their hand. I grit my teeth, feeling the second hand embarrassment slap me across the face as my bones shift uncomfortably.

Tick tock; another second passes. Oliver's face is now completely red as he glances back and forth between the floor and the door, like he's planning to run away at any second. We are the predators, he is the prey.


"He can go with us." Sienna's voice slices the awkward tension like a blade, making the entire class visibility sigh let out a sigh of relief. I look at her, figuring that if I look hard enough we could some how telepathically connect and I could ask her what the fuck she is doing.

Oliver's body relaxes, but he stays slouched over and on guard. He walks timidly over to our desk, the teachers hard glare pushing his body along. I shoot daggers in his direction with my eyes, cursing him for ruining my chance to make a move once again. If looks could kill, I would defiantly be serving a life sentence right now.

Sienna smiles at him widely, seemingly oblivious to the amount of green envy radiating from the body right now. Her eyes sparkle, gleaming like diamonds as they meet Oliver's scared ones. His pale fingers tremble slightly as he reaches up to push his chunky framed glasses up his nose. Ha, he's clearly intimidated by me! I restrain from breaking into a snarl.

"Alright now that that's sorted, I'll explain what your task actually is. Your assignment is to each find a place that represents your personal interpretation of the meaning of life. Visit these places with your group, take photos and write a short essay for each one." The teacher drones, making me yawn. "You have the rest of this half term to do it, but all the work must be done outside of lessons."

I wish there was a law against schools employing teachers with draining voices, it would certainly make my life a lot more bearable.

I slowly soak up the teachers words like a sponge, processing the assignment. The first thing I notice is how ludicrous the whole assignment sounds, I mean seriously, the meaning of life? If I wanted to contemplate something as futile as that, I would have just gone smoke with the school stoners behind the bike sheds. The second thing I notice, is that we have to do this outside of lessons, which means I'll get to spend more time with Sienna.

And Oliver Sykes. Fuck, what a downer. There's nothing I would rather spend my weekends doing then hanging out with that study obsessed freak. Oh wait, there is: banging my head against a wall until I die from brain damage.

I look across at Oliver again, scoffing as I find he's looking at his shoes awkwardly, lost in his own world. Inside my head, he's vanishing into thin air, leaving Sienna and I alone without him there to cockblock me. Ha, I wish.

"This is going to be so much fun." Sienna's happy spirit spills from her body and leaves the entire room bathing in a bright, white glow. Above her head is a halo, her back sprouting wings. I can't help but smile at the sight, getting lost in her warmth and beauty.

"Yeah it is." I smile back, feeling the burn of Oliver's stare as he finally looks up at me. As our gazes collide, I suddenly wonder what is hiding behind Oliver's fear-struck exterior. What is he hiding? What is he so afraid of? Behind the dull ebony was a sea of secrets waiting to be exposed. Maybe Oliver Sykes wasn't so dull and innocent after all...

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Sorry, that chanter was probably really bad but I just wanted to get something out otherwise I'll looses motivation altogether! New chapter of stabbing in the dark tomorrow.

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