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I didn't see Oliver for a week after our altercation at the hospital, that was until he came stumbling down my driveway, crutches and all. He invited himself into my house, his gaze connected with mine through the window. It was strange seeing him so helpless and weak after discovering how strong of a person he actually was, it was like the old him was back. And I hated that.

He hobbled through the hallway, taking his shoes off with a struggle before he hobbled into the living room and plonked  down on the sofa with a sigh. He looked exhausted and sweaty, probably from the strain of using crutches, and his hair was much curlier than I remember it being. I felt my heart melt as he pushed his glasses up his nose, his face twitching as he did so like it always did when his glasses were irritating him. No, Josh, you need to start strong...you're mad at him remember?

"I've missed you a lot." He sighs heavily, looking up at me from behind his unruly fringe.

"You could have come round any time." I shrug, not wanting to give into him too easily like I usually do. This time, I was standing my ground.

"But you're mad at me." He pouts. The pout is my hidden weakness with him. Stay strong, stay strong, stay strong.

"No shit, Sherlock." I scoff, finally walking away from the window and coming to sit on the empty sofa away from him.

"Let me just explain myself." He begs. I shake my head.

"What is there to explain? I stayed up all night waiting anxiously to see if you were alright and then you threw my kindness back in my face. Then I push aside my better judgment and decide to give you the benefit of the doubt, and then suddenly you're all buddy buddy with Jordan? You treated me like shit, Oliver."

"You're right, and there's no excuse for that." He replies, looking down at his thumbs as he plays with them anxiously. I want to reach out and grab his hands in mine, tell him everything's okay and that he's forgiven, but I don't. "I only started hanging out with Jordan because I was scared to get too close to you, and being with him was a lot less scary than being with you?"


"Because if he left me then it wouldn't break my heart." He tell me sincerely. "But I swear Jordan and I never did...the things we do together."

"And what do we do together, Oliver? Mess around and then act like friends? Walk the tightrope between being buddies and lovers?"

"We don't have to. I really like you Joshua, and I'm ready to shout that from the roof tops if you'll let me." He whispers. I look down into his dark eyes, like shimmering pools of honey in the light.

"I don't believe you."

"Then let me show you...please." He begs. Fuck, I can't stay mad at him for long. My skin craves the touch of his, and the feeling of his fingers intertwined with mine as our lips connect passionately.

Caving in to my desires, I get up and practically throw myself back down next to where he's sat, carefully not to touch his injured foot in any way. His warm hands brush against my arms, his fingers delicately caressing my skin. Only heaven knows how much I've missed his skin against mine. I feel the anger leave my body as his lips find mine, and then I'm floating through space and time as we exchange heat between us.


Hours later we are wrapped up in my sheets lazily, Oliver's back to me as he flickers through the many shitty films on Netflix. My lips trace across his exposed skin, littering the freckles and small details of his body with small kisses across the back of his neck all the way down his arm to his fingers. He doesn't look back at me once, but the blush spreading across his cheeks tell me all that I need to know.

Safe to say that all has been forgiven between us. I mean, it didn't exactly take much for me to give into him. It never does.

He finally picks a movie, and I groan in annoyance when I realise what it is. "Falling inn love? Are you fucking kidding me Liv, what is it with you and cringe love films?"

"They are not cringe! It's romantic, Joshua." He gasps dramatically, falling back against my chest and almost winding me in the process. "Everyone loves a good romcom."

"Not me." I snort.

"Hornton hears a bitch ass liar." He shoots back, glaring over his shoulder at me. I grab is face gently with one hand and quickly kiss his lips and nose, making him smile widely. God, I'm in love with his smile.

"I'm not lying." I protest. Okay, maybe I am lying, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Whatever. If you want me you'll have to put up with my shitty taste in films." He states seriously, turning back around in my arms to watch the film.

"Hmmm I'll have to think about it, not sure it's worth it for me." I joke, kissing across his jawline again before he pushes me away gently before turning around completely to face me. His legs are either side of mine now, his arms tangled around my neck as mine circle around his lower waist. We exchange smirks, our eyes deviant and playful, mischievous even.

"Oh yeah?" He smirks, his lips dangerously close to mine. He's so close that I can make out the swirls of green and the flecks of gold in his iris'. "Guess I'll just show myself out then."

He stands up abruptly on his non-injured leg, quickly swinging his legs over the side of the mattress. I gasp playfully, leaning forward to wrap my arms around his waist before he can go any further. He laughs, the sound silky like honey and as soft as velvet, as he tries to wiggle out of my grasp. Sitting up on my heels, I pull his body back against the bed, wrestling him onto the mattress. He playfully swats away my hands as I pin his hips to the soft sheets, his long curls falling gracefully around his face. His dazzling smile beams up at me, my breath seemingly disappearing as I take in the sight.

"Joshua! We're missing the film!" He shrieks, his voice cracking embarrassingly high. I laugh silently, picking up bus glasses that have fallen on the bed and gently sliding them back onto his face.

"What's the point in watching a film about love when we could be making love together instead?"

"You're so gross!" He laughs, lightly shoving my chest away with his foot. I gasp dramatically as if in pain, clutching at my stomach as if his touch had burnt me. He scoffs at my dramatic scene, finally sitting up and getting back under the sheets. I watch him settle down into my bed like it is his own, his face lit up like a Christmas tree as his whole body glows like an angel.

"You wanna be my boyfriend?" I blurt out without even realising it, my own voice not registering such my mind until his eyes go wide.

"Hmmm I'll have to weight out the pros and cons first...but maybe."


dance for you ~fransykes~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora