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We both look up at Sienna guiltily, like two children caught looking for their presents on Christmas Eve. Her face is unreadable, cheeks flushed in what could either be embarrassment or anger, but her eyes remain blank. Oliver crosses his long legs, pulling them to his chest like making himself smaller will erase some of this tension; it won't. His face and neck are bright legs, body squirming from side to side noticeably. In this moment I feel the urge to reach my hand across and touch him somehow, hold his hand maybe or his knee for comfort. I don't though.

"Well this is awkward...I'm not really sure what I just walked in on." Sienna laughed sheepishly, making Oliver an I share a quick glance before looking at the floor again. She approach us quickly, plonking down on the floor in front us of before squinting her eyes as if in thought. "Isn't it weird how the only person here who hasn't kissed Josh is Josh himself?"

"You've kissed her?" Oliver gasps sadly, his eyes full of betrayal. I swallow hard, avoiding his judgement stare and focus on picking grass from the ground instead.

"Y-yeah but not like-not like when I was with you!" I defend myself. Ugh, I hope I've not fucked this up! All I ever seem to do around this boy is make a fool of myself.

"Are you two dating?" Sienna literally screeched, making me wince from the burning in my eardrums. Are we dating? I guess were not..but then again recently it's been like we are. I wish we were official, but I don't think he trusts me enough for that yet, I'm not even sure if he likes me at all. Most of the time it seems like he doesn't. I go to open my mouth but she cut me off before I can even make a sound. "Jesus, Josh, when I said to be nice to him I didn't think you'd take it this face!"

Sienna laughed. I didn't. Oliver gasped. I looked over to see that his lips were trembling, his puppy-dog eyes gleaming with tears that threatened to burst out at any second. He was now holding his legs even tighter, knuckles almost purple from the pressure. Shit, I've defiantly fucked up now. Why did Sienna have to mention that? Oliver already distrusted me enough as it is, I don't need him thinking that I've only been hanging out with him because Sienna told me too.

In a heartbeat he was already on his feet, scrambling away from me like my presence was poisonous to him. I felt the air get knocked out of my lungs, my eyes flying wide as I realised he was about to slip out of my fingers once again. I feel like our whole relationship revolved around me chasing him away then desperately trying to get him back. I wonder how many more chances he would give me before he runs out of my life for good.

"Oli wait! Stop!" I yell, panicked, before I scramble off the floor too and chase after him. By this point he's well through the gate of the park. Sienna yells after me but I ignore her, running through the gate and down the small alleyway instead. I can't see Oli anymore, but I can hear his footsteps echoing in front of me so I follow the sound of him instead. This is one of those moments where I wish I hadn't "forgotten" my sports kit every time we did running at school.

Racing around the corner, my body collides with someone else's and we both fall to the floor, my arms wrapping around then to soften their impact. When I open my eyes I realise it's Oliver on top of me, our rapid breathing in sync as we both lay on the dirty ground. He pants heavily, pushing my arms off of his wait before sitting up between my legs. One hand rakes through his curly hair whilst the other grabs his glasses from his face, fingers tracing over the now broken nose arch.

"My glasses." He whimpers quietly, the sound of sobbing shortly following as he clutches then to his chest. I frown at the sight, going to hug him but instead letting my arms fall to the ground when he tried to doge my embrace. He's now full on crying as he faces away from me, his body shaking between my legs as he stubbornly gazes at the wall.

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