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If there's one thing I didn't think I would be doing today, it would be sitting in Sienna's bedroom, alone with Oliver Sykes. And yet, here I was.

After the disaster that was our last Philosophy lesson, I decided to finally stop being a pussy and ask Sienna to hang out. She agreed, but in true Josh fashion things didn't go exactly my way, hence why Oliver was here. Turns out Sienna interpreted 'hanging out' as working on our group project, much to my annoyance and frustration. Why does the universe keep fucking up our chances of being together? Does god really hate me that much?

So that bring us back to the present, with Oliver and I awkwardly sat together on opposite edges of Sienna's bed whilst she was downstairs getting snacks (aka 'brain fuel' as she had called it). Sienna's room was in the attic, with bright pink walls and posters of ballerinas plastered across the walls like a huge dancing shrine.

Oliver's whole body was slumped over, his curly hair completely covering the frames of his chunky glasses and deep brown eyes. Like always, his lanky frame was drowned out by an oversized, black hoodie that was turned up at the sleeves yet still completely covered his pale hands. He was wearing tight, black skinny jeans to match. The outfit sort of made him look like he was going to rob a bank, but I doubt someone who could barely talk without having a break down would ever do something as exciting as that.

I imagine if someone was to take a photograph of us right now, the tension between us would be visible. Thick and so overwhelming you wouldn't even be able to make out our forms amidst the chocking fog of awkwardness.

I look over at Oliver, finding that his eyes are peaking out from under his fringe, and are already directed at me. When he notices that I've notices his staring, his whole face flushes deep pink and he glances down at his fluffy socks. If someone was to walk in the room right now they wouldn't even notice him, due to how the colour of his skin perfectly camouflages with the colour of Sienna's walls.

I wonder if I've done something to upset him, or if he's actually just this socially inept. I shrug the thought off instantly, realising that it has to be the latter seen as though I've never spoken a word to him. Oliver Sykes and I are like planets; orbiting the universe  but never actually colliding. He's purple, I'm green. We don't mix.

Sienna bursting through the door pulls me out of my thoughts and back to reality. Instantly, the tension in the room is lifted as all the awkward fog evaporates with her presence. She's dressed in long denim shorts and a cropped T-shirt with thin straps. You would have never of guessed that Oliver and her were in the same season, and yet somehow they were.

She skipps over to the bed, taking no notice of how far apart Oliver and I are sat right now, as she places down the pile of food onto the bed. There's a large bowl of popcorn mixed with sour sweets and gummy bears, along with a sharing bag of crisps and a packet of magic stars. My mouth begins to water at the sight.

We instantly dive into the assessment, planning out where we want to go and how we are going to meet up. Sienna and I dive into the selection of foods, bouncing ideas between us just as fast as we chew our foods. Oliver stays silent, wrapping his skinny arms around his skinny legs and bringing them up to his chest like a child.

He's really starting to piss me off now. What was the point of him coming here today just to sulk and stay silent? He's not even helping with the work, and he's clearly the smartest one here! I honestly don't know what I did to offend him, but his mute act is rubbing me the wrong way. I watch with irritated eyes as he pulls a book and pencil from his backpack, opening up a page and beginning to scribble something in it.

He's just plainly ignoring us now! I feel my skin begin to turn green, I look down and my hands are a fiery mix of orange and red. I'm not going to stay anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to-

"What's the point of you being here if you're just going to ignore us!" I snap suddenly, interrupting whatever Sienna was saying.

Oops, I said something. Oliver audibly swallows, eyes not moving from his page as his face flushes pink again. He can't even look at me, how fucking rude! Sienna's gorgeous smile drops, instantly making me feel guilty for snapping.

"Josh, leave him be-"

"No! This is a group project, which means he has to help if he likes it or not. Just because he's shy doesn't give him an excuse to be this rude!" I rant, rolling my eyes.

Oliver's fingers twitch. He swallows again. Opens his mouth. Closes it. Pulls at the edges of his long hoodie sleeves. No words come out.

"Oli just needs some time to warm up to you, he's not good with new people." Sienna smiles softly, her hand rubbing Oliver's arm. Jealously ripples through me. Oliver flinches at her touch slightly, gripping his pencil so tight his fingers are completely purple.

"He's a weirdo, that's what he is." I mumble under my breath, words spilling out of my mouth quicker then I can catch them.

The colour fades from Oliver's face. His fingers twitch so hard that the pencil he's holding stabs straight through his book. Sienna gasps, shooting me a look that defiantly reads 'you fucked up', I send one back that reads 'you know it's the truth'. She refused to meet my eyes again, instead glancing over at the quite boy who is now shoving his belongings violently into his bag.

On unbalanced legs, Oliver rushes out the room in a blur of black clothing. Sienna sighs, telling me I should go as well. Her eyes are sad and distant. I've definitely fucked up.

dance for you ~fransykes~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora