Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

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Human life has its end, but the soul lives on eternally. Live your life as you can feel it. What you absolutely must not do is to seal off your heart. - Isshin Saito

I won't tell you to stop hating, but you must not let it rule you. Anyway, darkness lies in everyone. You need to live on by calming and persuading it. - Isshin Saito

I don't want to be chained by the circle of hatred. No matter what despair or hatred I experience, I'll never be dragged into the darkness. - Yakumo Saito

A man's true form is only revealed once he loses something precious. - Untai Saito

My father is wrong in his thinking, but so am I for blindly following his orders. - Yutaro Ishii

My eyes brings suffering to others, and I too, am suffering. - Saito Yakumo

Review :

      This one is paranormal detective type of mystery. We have Yakumo who can see ghosts, and thus keeps solving paranormal cases. Through a case, Haruka meets Yakumo and they bond over. If any of you are particularly known of Ghost Hunt, they are a bit similar. However, there is a particular evil obsessed with Yakumo. And to get Yakumo, he would do anything. It's not an outstanding show, but it's good!

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