Chapter 6

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(Sorry it took longer then planed it deleted...... Twice.)


Walking into the class room everyone went quiet again and just stared with a slight giggle every now and again. What is going on with everyone today? Just because of some stupid red card we found in are locker and now everyone is acting strange. Well stranger then usual i guess. My thoughts where cut off when i reached the area where my desk should have been. Main words is should have. It was gone and so was Jan Di's. "What is happening?" i asked myself. I was looking around the room trying to find our desk until suddenly i saw one of the three girls talking to Jan Di shove her slightly. "Hey! What the fuck!" i said in english stepping in front of Jan Di. "Wha?" she asked back probably not understand my words. "What do you think you are doing to my friend." i said changing my original words slightly. "Why does it matter. What are you gonna do about it..........little girl." the girl who i think is called Ginger said grinning. "Wow. Like i have never heard that one before." I said sarcasm dripping from each word. "Hey. Theres my book" Jan Di said cutting of are argument before it could get anymore heated without knowing. I look over to see her bend down to pick up her book covered in writing that i couldn't read only for it to move....Wait move? Suddenly a saw the shine of light reflecting off of wire answering my own question. 'What the hell? Thats like the oldest trick in the book. Jeez almost everyone here is so immature and weird. You would think with there position in the world they would have better manners.' I thought running after Jan Di who was following her book out of the class room and into the the hallway.
Finally when the book stopped right next to are desk in the middle of the school. On them was a lot of Korean writing that i couldn't really fully understand yet. "Jan Di what does this all say?" i asked looking onto of my desk. "Nothing good nor important." She said pissed. "Oh....okay." i said still trying to read the writing on the desk making out as much as i could. "Who did this? Come out you cowered! I sai*smack*" Jan Di was cut off by something that sound like a smack. " Jan Di! Are you ok*smack*" When i turn around to look at Jan Di i was cut off by a face full of egg. I look to see the sound i heard before was thankfully not her being hit by a hand but by an egg also. "MORE! Throw More!" she yelled and suddenly more eggs came from every angle. 'What the hell is she thinking!' suddenly a bucket of flour came down on top of us covering us from head to toe in white. Coughing slightly i look over to see if Jan Di is still doing okay. She was staring at someone in the crowed with a sad look. Oh Min.... We made eye contact only for her to turn around and walk upstairs. How could she i thought we where friends.

(With Jun Pyo)

Hahahahahhaha. Gu Jun Pyo's laughter filled the room as he watched the video of the two girls being attacked with egg and flour. "He seems happy" said So Yi to Song Woo who just nodded in agreement. "They should be here any second now to beg on there knees for forgiveness" Jun Pyo said happily. "5....4.....3.....2.....1?" He said with a frown when the two girls didn't walk in through the door way. His two friends slightly smiling at there cocky friends mistake. "*clears throat* Of course! I didn't give them time to clean up. They wouldn't want to see me looking like that." he said grinning again. "5......4...........3....................2...........................1.... Where are they!" He said even angrier then before. So Yi and Song Woo quietly laughing at there friends anger. "Wait... Where is Yoon Ji?" asked Song Woo. "Probably some where sleeping." replied So Yi still smiling.

(back with Jan Di and Scarlett.)

"What a wast. Don't they even know how many hotcakes they could made with this." Jan Di said sadly licking her fingers as we stood in the out door stair way. Um I'm not gonna do that. I pretty sure raw eggs and flour can make you sick... Also it probably doesn't taste good. "How many?" asked a male voice behind us. "Ah! Fuck." i said startled jeez he come out of no where. "What?" asked Jan Di ignoring my little spaz attack. "How many hotcakes?" he asked. Im pretty sure his name is Yoon Ji. " Um... probably quite a few. All you really need is flour, sugar, milk, and eggs. Its pretty much just like Korean pancakes i think." i said because im the one who usually cooks with Jan Di's mom to help out. "That is very simple." he said more to himself then us and i just nodded in agreement. Suddenly he started to walk closer to us and took out a pice of cloth.He brought it up to my face and me being the jumpy person i am flinched away from his touch on instinct. Yoon Ji lightly grabbed my chin and wiped off my face and some of my uniform. "Um thanks.... " i said blushing slightly. He went to wipe off Jan Di a little before beginning to leave. "I will give this back to you next time." said Jan Di before he could go back inside. He turned around to look at her. "There wont be a next time. Its to loud here now thanks to someone." He said before turning around and leaving. Hmmm he doesn't seem so bad. Maybe not exactly extremely kind but just not caring and will help if he feels like it. Sadly that might be as good as it can get here. *sigh* oh well.

*after school*

After everyone left to go home we went back into the school to retrieve are things before going home. Walking into the class room we saw are desk where back where they should be and the writing was washed away. Not only that but on top of the desk where two track uniforms and two cute little stuff sheep in a school girl uniform. One was black the other white and later on we found out that if you pushed on the stomach a recording of Oh Min apologizing played. I couldn't help but to forgive her instantly. Its not her fault that she was scared and i think I'm okay standing up for a friend like that....

*at home*

"hahaha" i couldn't help but to laugh at Jan Di's eating habits it was really funny. I sat beside her eating rice out of the pan also with her. "Jan Di what do you think your doing! Stop eating like that you will get fat and then what rich Korean man would marry you! Scarlett is petite and foreign so she will have no problem but you are built like a man. It must be from all that swimming!" Said Miss. Geum trying to take the chicken and pan of rice away from her but she ended up running into her room to finish her meal. What a nice and funny family. " Jan Di let me in too" i said knocking on the door before being pulled into are shared bed room. "Thanks...Oh by the way can i go swimming with you tomorrow. I am about a week ahead of all the songs i need to memorize. Also with what is happening at school maybe it would be best to stick together until it all blows over." i said taking a few bites out of the pan full of rice."Sure that may be the best thing to do right now" She said with a mouth full of food. "great! i cant wait it will be so much fun." i said before laying down in bed to go to sleep a little early so i have even more energy in the morning.

(Next day at school in pool locker room)

"Yay! Lets go swim!" i said grabbing Jan Di's arm and heading to the pool after we changed into swim wear. When we got there we found the pool full of trash. "Really! Why would they do this to part of there own school just because of a stupid card." i said shaking my head. "I don't know but we better get to cleaning" she said with a sigh. "Yeah.... Okay."

*after cleaning*

We went back to the locker room to get changed into are uniform. After changed i turn to Jan Di to ask if she was done.Then suddenly a hand covered are mouths and others grabbed the rest of me just picking me up. I tried to struggle but i was to small and to weak from cleaning the pool to get out of there hold..... Seriously what is wrong with this school.

F4? I think i know what the F stands for >:) (Boys over Flowers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now