Chapter 4

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What happened last time- Oh Min Ji dropped ice cream on Gu Jun Pyo's shoe.

"And everything was going so well....." I said to my self in English slightly disappointed that shit was most likely to go down and that means no more enjoying my bad ass ice cream. " hashtag sad face...... Hashtag, hashtags are stupid. Hashtag jk. Hast a no I'm not i just don't want to be beat up by hashtag lovers." I said to my self. That earned some strange looks from the others accept Jan Di because she understands the struggle of me and my mind. Also one the guys from the douch bag group who was grinning slightly apparently knowing english. The main douch bag apperently not caring anymore turned back to Min Ji. "Lick it" he said glaring at her. " Ummmmmm. That could be taken the wrong way and the rape could happen..... Just saying." I told him giving him a creeped out face. " WHAT!" He said in an angry voice. Hm I think I might have just made him a little angry. Just a guess. "Sighhhhhh never mind carry on with your bitching." I said getting board of standing and my ice cream was starting to melt. He..... Growled? At me slightly. That's not strange at all~. " okay? " I said highly confused. Then he started to rant about how expensive his shoes are, do we even know who he is, lick my shoe, I shit gold bricks for a living. Okay one of though things is not true. Not gonna tell which one though. Mwahahaha. " I think you need to cool off." I said before walking up to him. Damn tall people can be intimidating. I took most of my now slightly melted ice cream out of the cone and dropped it down his shirt...... I like the cone part so I kept that. That facial expression he made tho. "Hahaha. Your face" I laughed and started to eat my cone after running about a foot behind Jan Di for safety. "You will regret you did that." He said in a low voice. Then Jan Di started to through money at him to replace his shoes or something I wasn't really paying attention. I was to busy missing my ice cream. RIP vanilla bean in Gu Jun Pyo's shirt. Then suddenly I felt some one grabbing my wrist and start to run where Jan di's bike was parked. Quickly we got on the bike and headed home.

F4? I think i know what the F stands for >:) (Boys over Flowers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now