Chapter 7 (preview)

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( the song that is used in this chapter is 'Stand Up' by J-Min. It is also the ending song of a Korean drama ' To the Beautiful You ' and I personally think it was a great drama and recommend it. :3)

I let out a muffled scream still trying to wiggle out of the grasp before i feel pares of hands let go of me one after another. Falling to the ground i lay there groaning slightly in discomfort. "fucking gravity" i whispered in english to myself rubbing my slightly injured back. I look up to see what the hell just happen from my place on the ground. Apparently are savior is the 'not as douchy but still pretty douchy' member of F4 or also known as Ji hoo. 'Ji hoo? More like Ji woo hoo! You saved us!... Don't say out loud that sounded stupid...' I thought to myself finally getting off the ground. "Your right. That does sound stupid but it's to late to take it back now.".... Fuck.

*i haven't update in a long ass time but I think it may about time to start up again. Whoooo time to celebrate bitches!!! Of course it will take a while to re watch the episode and then apply parts to my 'oh so amazing' story. But as a slight 'I'm sorry for the wait' type gift is a small preview of the next chapter. So enjoy! :)*
(P.s. Comment on what you think :3 and if you would prefer if I continue the story of not)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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F4? I think i know what the F stands for >:) (Boys over Flowers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now