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Despite the luxury of the small prison cell it didn't bring any comfort to Ahsoka, in fact it just made her irritated. Prison cells weren't supposed to be nice, comforting and light. They're supposed to be dark, humid and disgusting like the people they hold. But Ahsoka is nothing like them, so perhaps the cell fits her well.

She doesn't sit on the comfortable single bed, she sits crossed legged on the floor, eyes closed and hands on her knees. Breathing calming and touching in with the Force, the situation she was in was dire and she had to keep calm and focus. Meditation always helped no matter what the situation was, so Ahsoka does that.

That's how Maul and his brother Savage find her when they walk down the hallways of the building, she feels their power in the Force and the clanking of Maul's metal feet. She doesn't flinch when the door hisses open and they step in, she opened her eyes to see Maul leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed while Savage is a bit closer, fully in the room and near the wall before her.

"You seem awfully comfortable despite your situation, Padawan."

"I've been in worse." She says calmly, keeping her posture.

"Really?" Maul seems intrigued and steps forward, Ahsoka keeps her eyes on him, her senses heightened. "And what would that be?"

"Sorry, but I don't like having conversations with Siths," She looked up and down his body. "Or should I say, half Siths."

Savage growls at her and steps forward, but Maul holds up a hand, stopping him. The Sith looks at her amused.

"I admire your sense of unbothereness, if I were another you would have already been killed by now."

"Lucky me then."

He chuckles and she can feel the menace underneath it. "Oh you are a strange Padawan."

"Ahsoka." She tells him sharply. "My name is Ahsoka." Telling him her name might not have been the best choice but she hated when he called her by her status, it reminded her too much of Jedi Temple. She never liked it when people called her 'Padawan' except maybe her Master. At least when she's called by name she feels like an actual person, she shouldn't even be called a Padawan now.

"Ahsoka." He draws the syllables on this tongue. "Well Ahsoka , I have some things that I need to know, and your going to answer them for me."

She glares at him. "And what makes you think I will?"

"Surely you have noticed the accessory on your neck?"

Of course she did, it was one the first things she noticed and felt when she woke up in this cell. Maul watches as her fingers trace over it.

"I wouldn't call a shock collar an accessory."

"In my world they are." He pulls out a small metal cylinder with a red button on one of the ends and a line on the side, numbers space between with a small red button at the bottom. His thumb on the edge. "If you refuse to answer you'll receive a shock, the more you refuse the more painful it will be."

"Unfortunately for you I've been shocked before, so you won't get anything from me."

"There are other ways we can make you talk." Savage sneered as he gets in front of her and grabs her chin, her mind immediately thinking of Tarkin and the other men that have touched her so.

No! Not again!

Jerking she bits into his hand, holding on for a bit before letting him go and pushing him away. Savage staggers back and holds his hand, blood dripping out of the teeth marks. He glares at her and she barks her fangs at him, giving him her own glare.

"You little-"

"Stop apprentice." Maul speaks with a warning, Savage stops but keeps his glare on her. "It would be wise of you to leave us, go check on the others."

Ahsoka assumed by 'others' he meant prisoners in the other cells and wondered if they were like hers. Her cell was isolated, the only one in the room and by the looks of it, was to hold Force Sensitive beings. But that didn't stop them from putting the shock collar around her neck.

He gives her one more glare before leaving, his heavy footsteps slowly quietening down as he goes further.

Maul looks at her questioningly, Ahsoka thought he would be angry at her attacking his brother like that, she seems to dismiss this thought when she licks away the drop of blood from her mouth by Savage's hand. Maul watches with interest before door slides closed behind him with a hiss and her shoulders straightened, something was going to happen.

"I apologise for my apprentice being so...rough." He stepped in front her but a few inches away, keeping guard.

She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, the room was silent before he spoke again.

"The way you acted when he touched you," Ahsoka hated how her body gave a small shiver. "There was fear in you."

"I don't exactly have a good past with men touching me." She snapped at him, she felt and saw his surprised at her words.

"...I see." He puts the trigger back in his clothing and claps his hands behind his back. "A young female like yourself with such beauty, I should've known you would have encounters like that."

She scowls at him. "If that were supposed to be a compliment then your terrible."

He watches her for a moment and she stares at his gaze, refusing to back down. A few moments later he sighs and turns his back to her, opening the door and glances back at her.

"I'll be back, and I will get my answers."

The door hisses behind him and Ahsoka lets herself breath and relax. She dreaded Maul coming back, knowing he was going to use other ways to get the answers he wanted. But no matter how painful it was going to be, she was determined to not tell him anything.

She just hoped she would find a way out soon.

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