start of recovery

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WARNINGS: mentions of scars and wounds of attempted rape. the attempted rape is also mentioned. please don't read if you don't like these things.

The first thing Ahsoka notices when she wakes up is that she's on something soft, her body covered in something warm, sinking in joy at the comfortable feeling. Her eyes open groggily and let's them wander around the room, the ceiling is black when she first wakes up and the colour expands to when she finally manages to sit up.

She's in a room of course, a bedroom it seems as she's on a large sized bed and the silk deep red duvet that covers her body, and slides down when she sits up. The walls are black with hints of red along the sides, a large desk opposite her with a small couch to the side, in front of the large window that spreads across the wall to her left. There's also a wardrobe, black of course, to her right as well as another door, a refresher she thinks as the main door is on the same wall as the desk. She knows it's the main one as it's engraved with beautiful patterns, the handles far too elegant.

All the previous memories of before she woke up come back to her and she immediately looks at her clothes, letting out a sigh of relief to see nothing ripped or exposed. In fact she has a new shirt on, black with long sleeves. It's not tight but it's not baggy, the end settles just past her waist which was good enough for her.

Who changed me? Ahsoka wondered I hope it was a female.

She hoped to Force it wasn't a male, there were only a few males she trusted to take care of her if no females could - Anakin, Rex, all the 501st Legion really. Plo Koon - well that was until he betrayed her.

I really need to stop thinking about them.

The door opened and Ahsoka immediately was on alert, a Mandalorian walked in and looked at the chest plate it's a woman and was holding a box. They had changed their colours to red and black, fitting in and showing their loyalty to Maul. Ahsoka was tempted to roll her eyes, did Maul change everything to fit his aesthetic?

She takes her helmet off to reveal a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and black hair with hints of purple, she was obviously older then Ahsoka but looked good for whatever age she was.

"I have been sent by Lord Maul to check on you." She said stoically. "May I check your injuries?"

Injuries? Ahsoka was confused for a moment before remembering the shock collar and Savage's sharp nails. Her fingers trace over her neck and wince and the scorch marks, the woman before her jumping ever so slightly.

Ahsoka looks back at her and can see a hint of worry in her eyes, it makes Ahsoka nod at her. "Ok."

The woman sits on the edge of her bed and places the box before them, when opened Ahsoka see's that it's full of medical supplies. She doesn't ask what the woman brings out and leans her head up as the woman takes a look at the wound before applying some cold cream that makes Ahsoka shiver for a few seconds.

When she was finished she wiped her hands with a cloth before mentioning to Ahsoka's shirt, she nodded and lifted it up, stopping just below her bra. She saw the woman's eyes widen and looked down to see three long thick scars across her abdomen, she immediately tears her eyes away and the woman applies the same cream. A few winces here and there before she pulls a roll of bandage and wraps it around Ahsoka's torso a couple of times before securing it.

"The cream should heal the scars around your neck soon, but it will take a while for...the others." Ahsoka knew she meant the scars on her torso. "The bandages will need to be changed daily, so expect to see me more."

"Alright." Ahsoka nods and the woman puts everything back in the box, locks it and stands up, putting her helmet on and grabbing the box. She nods at Ahsoka before walking to the door, and Ahsoka stops her when she's about to open it. "Wait!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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