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Ahsoka doesn't sleep much that night, the thoughts of Maul and Savage coming to her cell any moment kept her awake more then she liked, but despite that she knew that she wouldn't sleep much herself. She couldn't let her guard down as a prisoner of a Sith and his apprentice, Ahsoka wasn't sure if Savage was even a Sith.

Her body still ached from her time being unconscious when they took her despite waking up on the soft bed. Ahsoka stayed off it from then on, if they found her on it then they would use it against her; the need for something soft instead of the hard floor. Ahsoka wouldn't give it to them and to make a point, always slept on the floor.

She hadn't eaten much as well but that was to be expected, she had been a prisoner before so it wasn't new to her. Her mind and body know the deals of being locked up and have gotten used to it a bit, a sad thing to come to terms with but it was true. Still Togruta's were a species that ate more then the average human and were known for their big appetites, she could hold out for now but if she doesn't have anything soon then her stomach was going to hate her. She's sure that Maul knows this, he was the kind of enemy who will learn everyone about you give you a personal torture.

There were still bruises on her body from her fights before the brothers came in, she had her lightsabers with her but didn't use them. They weren't worthy for a small fist fight that Ahsoka easily won, even when more came at her and managed to land a hit, they never aimed for her face and instead would grab her arms or legs. She smirked back then at the men who thought they had one upped her, oh how wrong they were.

She couldn't even tell what time of day or night it was, there were no windows to the outside world in her cell, just the transparent door that let her see people coming her way. Hell she couldn't even tell how long she had been in this cell!

Ahsoka signed twiddled with the shock collar around her neck. She had worn shock collars before and cuffs, unwillingly of course. She knew the pain all too well but it didn't make it any lesser, it just warned her for what's about to come and to be ready for it.

"Admiring it are you?" Her head snapped up to see Maul standing outside her cell, she cursed that she didn't sense him and too focused on the collar. The door opened and he stepped in, revealing a small cart being pushed by a RIC-1200. She raised a brow, the droid was one used as a tourist guide, what did Maul have one? He must have reprogrammed it to do his bidding.

The cart had a kettle with steam coming from it's snout, two cups and a plate of food that Ahsoka didn't know what held, but smelt delicious.

"You must be famished after not consuming anything in a few days." Maul spoke as he poured the liquid from the kettle into the two cups before taking hold of them, leaning down to offer her one. Ahsoka glanced at before looking back at him, clearly not trusting whatever he's giving to her.

Maul saw this and signed before taking a sip from both cups, Ahsoka watching his adam's apple to make sure he wasn't faking - he didn't.

"See, not poisoned." He held it in front her again. Ahsoka carefully took it from his hands, fingers brushing ever so slightly. He sits before her and she moves back, the edge of the bed sitting against her back. She eyes the cup wearily for a moment, sniffing it before bringing it to her lips. The warm liquid touches her lips before her tongue tastes it, it's sweet but not too much and Ahsoka realises that it's tea. It has a nice taste but she refuses to show Maul. She takes a small sip before bringing it down, her hands downing in it's warmth.

The plate of food sits between them and Ahsoka see's that it's variations of meat, Togruta's main type of food. So Maul did research her species.

"Eat, your body needs it's meat to regain your strength." Just like the drink Ahsoka eyed it and waited for Maul to take a piece, and took one from the same pile as he did. She ate it slowly despite wanting to devour everything the plate offered, she would not show Maul any weaknesses.

It stayed like this for a few moments, when the pile of meat was gone Ahsoka waited for Maul to go for the next one before following, but drank her tea whenever she wanted. Eventually the food was gone but there was still some tea left in her cup, the warmth had decreased but it didn't bother her.

Finally, Maul spoke. "I have done some research on you upon learning your name. Your were the former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker were you not?"

"Why are you asking me if you already know?"

The corner of his lips tugged. "You were...casted out by your Order."

"I left voluntary." She corrected me.

"Y-Yes but you were motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the actions of the Jedi Council."

She frowned at him as everything he said was true, what the Jedi Council did to her made her leave. They chose politics over her, after everything she did for them, they threw her away just like that. They didn't even apologise when it was proven that she was innocent, only Anakin and Plo Koon did - it still hurt her that not even Obi-Wan said his sorry's.

He signed. "We were both tools used for greater power."

She looked at him with confusion, what did he mean by that?

Sensing her confusion Maul explained to her. "I was once an apprentice to a powerful being, trained since I was young to fight by his side. After my apparent death he was quick to replace me, even when he knew of my return he never took me back."

A small feeling of guilt came to Ahsoka and quickly pushed it away, no she would not feel any guilt or pity for the murderous man before her. "Why are you telling me this?"

He looks at her and Ahsoka see's a glimpse of something in his golden eyes, it wasn't anything evil or menacing. More like...recognition?

"We are alike, you and I."

"We are nothing alike." She glowered at him. "You're a Sith. You murder and torture people for your own amusement and power. I'm nothing like you."

"Ah but you are." He said with a small grin. "You were trained to be a Jedi since you were young and fought by your master's side for years, you fought with your life for your Order. But they casted you out in a second, for their own gain."

She turned away from him, gripping the cup in her hand.

No Ahsoka, you have to calm yourself. Maul is only trying to rile you up.

"But you are younger than me, still a child when I wasn't." He continued to talk. "You had no one to turn to after you left, it's a terrible thing for someone so young to be alone in a chaotic world."

Calm yourself.

"And just like me, your master left you."

"Enough!" She yelled at him, taking in slight pride at his taken back expression which he quickly washed away. "My master did not abandon me like yours did, he fought for me and proved my innocence. He cares for me and never stopped believing in me. Don't talk like you know everything when you don't."

Maul showed no surprise after her outburst and only just stared at her, she wished this cell didn't block her from sensing his emotions.

She put the cup down close to him and faced away, indicating that she was done with whatever this was. She hears the cup and plate be lifted on the ground the sound of his metal legs, no doubt standing up. She heard clatter on the cart and it being rolled out, the noises of the droid following behind.

"Get some rest Tano." His voice a bit farther away then before. "It looks like you need it."

The familiar hiss lets her know the door is shut and turns to see Maul standing outside of her cell. Gazing at her for a moment before walking away, the droid followed with the cart.

She brought her knees to her chest and hugged herself, feeling something dangerous was coming for her very soon.

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