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WARNING: ahsoka gets badly shaken after getting interrupted while having a shower, a tiny bit of a ptsd episode

Ahsoka wakes up with the ache in her body severely decreased as well as her headache, she blinks and lets her eyes adjust to the lighting in the room before sitting up, eyes immediately looking at the door. No one was there and she propped the pillow against the wall behind her before leaning back, body sagging.

I wish there was a clock in here she thought miserably, she was tired of not knowing what time of day it was, she was losing her sense of time and it unnerved her.

She didn't want to meditate for the time to go by, the pull with Maul made her hesitate to use the Force. What if he would pull at her again? What if he let her in and something bad happens? Ahsoka couldn't risk it.

All of a sudden loud footsteps entered the room, coming down the hallway. Ahsoka tensed and kept her eyes on the door, the figure of Savage coming into view.

Maul made her nervous of course but Savage did that to her after she bit his hand, he hadn't come to see her and wondered the next time he was.

Looks like today it is, if it's even a different day.

The door opens and he stands there, arms crossed against his chest.

"Time for refresher."

Ahsoka blinked, they were allowing her to have a wash? Or was he just saying that to get her out? She frowned at him and stayed put, he glared at her.

"Come or I will drag you."

Well shit. Ahsoka definitely didn't want Savage's hands on her and to be dragged by him, she glared as she stood off the bed and walked to him. His glare didn't waver as she allowed her to walk through the door which closed behind them.

"Follow me, and don't try anything." He said as he walked, Ahsoka followed behind him. She kept her posture straight and walked like she wasn't a prisoner, she followed Savage along the bare and black hallway, not a window or clock in sight. There was however an outline of a door to the left, just a few feet from the main door at the end of the hallway. Ahsoka knew that was the door out of his area, but it looked heavily guarded with the bulky metal around it and the lack of buttons on the side.

It must only open from the other side Ahsoka realises, and caught herself so she didn't bump into Savage when he stopped. He turned to the door she saw earlier and quickly put in a code she didn't see, and the door opened. She followed him inside the decent sized room, a counter top with a sink, toilet and a large metal door leading to the shower.

"Get clean, I'll be waiting outside. And don't try to escape." He said with a final glare before leaving, the door shutting behind him. Ahsoka sighed and looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't look bad but she definitely didn't look good. She suddenly felt self conscious of her previous meetings with the brothers, did she really look that bad in front of them?

Why am I thinking of my appearance around them? Come on Ahsoka, get it together!

She pulls the metal door to the shower where there's a transparent small wall opposite her, the shower head leaning over inside. To the right is a sink and to the left is a rack full of towels and she rolls at her eyes at the colour of them, black and red.

She stepped into the open cubical of the shower and looked at the controls, fiddling with them until water fell from the shower head in a warm temperature. She took off her clothes and folded them on the sink before stepping under the warm water, a delightful sigh leaving her lips.

She let the water run down her body before picking up a bottle on the side, reading the words "body wash" along the label and squirting some into her hand before placing the bottle back and rubbing the smooth thick liquid over her body.

She enjoyed the sensation of getting clean, after being ruffed and cooped up this is exactly what she needed. It also fixed her boredom of staying in the cell and got her mind of the people she left.

After washing it off she found another bottle specifically to help wash her montrals and lekkus, she pushed the small feel of generosity and spread the liquid around it's needed places before washing it off. She stayed under the shower head, enjoying the warm water running down her body.

"You're taking too long." A rough voice said behind her, Ahsoka jumped and covered herself with her arms as she turned her head behind her to see Savage.

"W-What are you doing in here?!" She yelled at him, stepping away from him and closer to the wall behind her.

"You're taking too long." He repeated and she snarled at him.

"Get out!"

He stared at her, eyes ranking her body which made her feel disgusted and remember the other man she had similar encounters with. He looked back up at her before exiting the room, but not before saying. "Don't waste any more time."

She glared as he left and as soon as the door shut behind him, let out a shaky breath and fell on her knees against the tiled floor. Her heart had beaten rapidly as soon as she saw him, she took heavy breaths to calm herself down; even succeeding her body still shook.

"Don't waste any more time."

I need to hurry she thought as she turned the shower head off and quickly dried herself before putting her clothes back on and turning left the cubicle.

Her eyes landed on the door of the room and knowing Savage was just standing out here unnerved her, she didn't want to go out and see him again. But if she stayed he would come back in and drag her out, she didn't want to feel his hands on her.

The door opened and she stepped out, goose bumps already forming on her skin as he turned to look at her. She didn't look at him and instead kept her gaze on the ground, a small part of her yelling not to, that she was showing a weakness to a dangerous man.

She shook the thought as she followed him back to her cell where she sat on the ground after he locked the door behind her, her back turned to him, refusing to look.

Eventually he walked away and she let out a sigh of relief, her body slowly stopped trembling. She tried to force herself to be strong, to stop being scared and focus on something else. She found herself on the bed, sitting in her previous position when she woke up and hugged her needs to her chest.

Please don't have me be alone with him anymore.

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