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She didn't get any sleep like Maul advised her too, she wasn't going to do anything that he would ask her too. The food and tea he gave her increased her strength and so she stayed awake, she didn't know if it was morning or night and right now she didn't really care; all to focused on how to get out this cell and escape the brothers.

It wasn't going to be easy but Ahsoka knew that the minute she woke up in her cell, she heard stories from Obi-Wan and other Jedi masters about Maul. He was ruthless, vile. He won't hesitate to do anything to get your attention; from burning a town full of innocent people or using the people you know against you. He had done that with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka saw the devastation it took on her Grandmaster.

He's not that anymore the voice in her head bitterly told her. He left me to die in the Republic, he's no Grandmaster of mine now.

She shook her head, she shouldn't be thinking of him and the Jedi Order. She left them as soon as they turned their backs on her, they didn't care about her so she wouldn't care about them. The only one she missed was her master Anakin, he was the only one who stood by her and believed in her; he was the only one she cares about. Of course she couldn't forget Padmé who fought for her as well and never believed the horrible things she was accused of, she knew Ahsoka had been framed the very second Anakin told her everything.

She sighed as she sat crossed legged on the floor, she needed to refocus her thoughts on escaping instead of her friends. Perhaps when she manages to get into hyperspace that she'll visit them, show up on Padmé's door and take anything she gave her.

Ahsoka took a deep breath as she put her hands on her knees and straightened her back, calling to the Force.

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me, I am one with the Force and the Force is with me, I am one with the Force and the Force is with me....

Her body relaxed as the Force came to her, the cell she was in prevented her from using the Force for anything other then meditation. Her shoulders sagged just a bit and the grip on her knees loosened, her breathing calm and light. She felt the light side of the Force around her, giving her the comfort she needed.

Then she felt it, a trickle of the dark side away from her and she knew it was one of the brothers, it had to be. Even from here she could feel a bit of it's power, it called to her, wanting to pull her forward and feel. Curiosity got the better of Ahsoka as she allowed herself to get pulled, she kept her guard up, knowing nothing good could come from this.

When she reached closer she found it was Maul she was sensing and hesitated, why was he calling to her? Did he want to go inside her mind and feel her Force for his own gain? But what would he get out of it? A new form of torture? She'll take it just like any other and give him nothing.

The closer she went the more she felt the anger that resided in him, she wasn't fully there but it still made her gasp and her body jump. There was so much of it, the hate swirling around feeding his anger. All of it was for Obi-Wan which didn't come as a surprise, she knew he hated the Jedi master, but Ahsoka never realised just how much that hate was.

But she could sense something else too, something different then the others he was feeling and tried to reach into it but he stopped her. Poking her walls to have them let down, he wanted to search her the same way she was doing with him. But he was strong enough to do that on his own, why was he asking for her permission?

Ever so slightly she opened up, just a little and he took it. She felt him around her mind and body, goose bumps appearing on her skin as he reached in. She had nothing to hide from him, there was nothing of the dark side in her but that didn't mean she wanted him around in her mind.

She frowned but dismissed him as she focus on her previous task, he was letting her deeper inside of him and she wanted to know what else he held and was shocked by what she found out.

Pain. There was so much pain in him that it made her choke for a second, it was more powerful then his hate and anger and she wondered what in the universe caused him to have this much. She dug deeper and saw that the pain came from the memory of his former master, an unsettling feeling rested in her stomach. What had his master done to him to make him feel such a way?

But when she reached out further to find out he blocked her and she sensed a little of his anger for her going that far. She immediately pulled back and put her walls back up, forcing him out of her mind. His anger built up and it made her nerves jump, quickly she pulled out.

Her eyes snapped open and her body fell against the edge of the bed, her chest breathing heavily. It took her a few moments to calm down and get her breath back, but she didn't move from her position. Her thoughts racing on about what she felt from the Sith, her expectations proven wrong, which she didn't know was a good or bad thing, especially when she sensed his pain.

She was still curious on what his former master did to him to cause such a feeling but didn't pry, he was already angry at her for pushing his barriers, she didn't want to anger him further and reach out again.

She winced as a headache came on and cursed, now her body was begging at her to rest, reaching and searching into Maul's mind took a toll on her. She sighed as she stood and laid herself on the bed, her body sinking into the comfortable mattress and thanking her.

She would allow herself to drown in comfort once before going back to the ground, the lingering thoughts of Maul decreasing as her eyes closed.

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